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Preserving Nusantara Manuscripts and Supporting Sustainable Cities and Communities Development

IFLA - Sat, 15/05/2021 - 09:36

Everyone agrees that manuscript is a valuable legacy, written in the past to become a foothold in the present and future. Manuscript has important values as language documents, historical documents and cultural documents. These vital values are the foundation in supporting sustainable cities and communities development. According to the National Library of Indonesia’s Grand Design of Nusantara Manuscripts Management 2020-2029, Indonesia has 121,668 manuscripts scattered throughout the world. Among them, 39,387 are abroad while 82,281 are within the country. The National Library of Indonesia (NLI) acts as the front guard in preserving this cultural heritage.

The Journey of Nusantara Manuscripts Preservation by NLI throughout Indonesia

Figure 1. Manuscripts Preservation at Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon, West Java

Source: http://preservasi.perpusnas.go.id/

Through the Library Material Preservation Centre, NLI is actively involved in preserving manuscripts throughout Indonesia. The Conservation Team from the Preservation Centre undertakes conservation efforts physically and digitally by transferring media to digital and micro forms. The progress of the manuscript preservation carried out by the Library Material Preservation Centre is captured in the table below:


Table 1. Manuscripts Preservation Throughout Indonesia





Number of Titles



West Nusa Tenggara 




Riau Islands












West Nusa Tenggara




Riau Islands




East Java




South Sulawesi 




West Sumatera




West Java




Central Java




Central Maluku




South East Sulawesi 








West Java




North Sumatera 




West Java




West Java








Central Java




South Kalimantan








West Sumatera












East Jawa 



Hendrawati, T. 2018. Digitalisasi Manuskrip Nusantara Sebagai Pelestari Intelektual Leluhur Bangsa. Media Pustakawan. Vol. 25 No. 4. 


After preservation, a copy of the Nusantara Manuscript, which has been converted into digital format, will be stored in NLI and another copy will be kept by the owner.

Khastara Website: 1 Digital Data of Nusantara Manuscripts

NLI has a vision of "1 Digital Data of Nusantara Manuscripts". This vision is the basis for digitising the Nusantara Manuscripts and providing the maximum access for the public to utilise those cultural documents. With this vision, NLI has created a website called Khastara (Khasanah Pustaka Nusantara). Khastara provides the most complete digital content in Indonesia, namely 9,789 collections and 64,133 copies in all categories. The content in the categories can be broken down further as follows: 1,459 manuscripts (9,887 ex), 227 rare books (848 ex), 1,548 maps (1,551 ex), 119 microfilms (11,653 ex), 5,712 pictures & paintings (5,887 ex), 107 rare magazines & newspapers (30,052 ex), and 617 other sources (4,255 ex).

Figure 2. Khastara Website


This portal displays detailed collection information for free and supports the PDF Flip format for easy reading. Users only need a Google account to log in immediately. To date, the total number of visitors who have accessed the portal is 755,613. These visitors come from various backgrounds such as students and researchers who are doing research and manuscript activists who intend to introduce the richness of Indonesian manuscripts to the young generation.


The Essence of Preservation of Nusantara Manuscripts in the Future


In order to support the 11th goal of SDGs in the Library Sector (Sustainable Cities and Communities), NLI builds synergies with various parties. For instance, it organised a webinar entitled "1 Digital Data of Nusantara Manuscripts" in March 2021which provided much inspiration. Among the participants, A.A.G.N Ari Dwipayana (Coordinator of Presidential Staff and Head of Puri Kauhan Ubud Foundation) introduced a new family-based approach in preserving manuscripts that are still scattered in the community. He also said that the preservation of manuscripts did not end with digitisation but the process continued with script transfer, language translation, publication, discussion and scientification. This is to ensure that the Nusantara Manuscripts can be utilised and can contribute significantly in supporting sustainable cities and to the development of communities in the future. The Head of NLI, Mr Syarif Bando, said that in the future, there must be a commitment to make sure that the library is not only a guardian institution for civilisation. Through historical evidence stored in libraries, Indonesia must be able to create new theories that can become evidence of the nation's progress.

Message from the Asia Oceania Regional Office

IFLA - Sat, 15/05/2021 - 09:25

Hello Friends,


            We are excited to share with you the latest issue of the IFLA Asia & Oceania Regional Newsletter that has undergone a complete makeover. We hope you would like it.


           It is heartening that many of you have responded enthusiastically to our call for articles. Please keep it coming, and we really appreciate all your contributions. Let us join our hands together to make our newsletters more diverse and vibrant.


            Over the past couple of months, we were all busy nominating candidates to serve as the Regional Council Chair and our new 20 Committee Members. Upon their elections in April – June 2021, we will work together to deliver the objectives of the new Asia & Oceania Regional Division Committee which will replace the Regional Standing Committee for Asia & Oceania Section.


           Do join us too for the IFLA virtual congress IFLA WLIC 2021 from 17 to 19 August 2021. Registrations for this event will open in May 2021 and interested members can sign up for the WLIC newsletter which can be found at https://www.ifla.org/node/93794 to stay informed of the latest developments.


            Enjoy reading and stay safe!



Ms Soh Lin Li

Manager for IFLA Regional Office for Asia and Oceania


Message from IFLA RSCAO Chair

IFLA - Sat, 15/05/2021 - 09:20

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

During the last couple of months, the work of Asia and Oceania Section mainly focused on the advocacy of UN SDGs, IFLA elections for 2021 as well as WLIC 2021.

On 26 February, we had our online mid-term meeting attended by 18 committee members. Alongside, the RSCAO Asia-Pacific webinar on ‘Libraries and the SDGs’ hosted by the Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA) was a great success with guest speakers from the USA, Singapore, India, Fiji and New Zealand and over 270 registrants from a wide range of countries across the region. The webinar showcased grass-roots SDG stories from libraries regardless of their locality, size and resource availability and provided practical examples on how libraries can contribute to the attainment of the UN SDGs. The brief report is available at https://www.ifla.org/node/93733?og=67. The webinar recording is also viewable at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op-tgwDJgkI

IFLA Elections 2021 began in early March. As a result of the IFLA restructuring, the Asia and Oceania Section has been upgraded to one of the six Regional Divisions. The new Asia & Oceania Regional Division Committee will replace RSCAO and consist of 20 members from the Asia-Oceania region. As IFLA Members or Affiliates, you are encouraged to nominate suitable candidates to serve as the Regional Council Chair or as members of the Asia & Oceania Regional Division. Details on the elections are available at https://www.ifla.org/elections-2021

For the first time, the IFLA WLIC will be held online during 17-19 August 2021.The virtual conference will be the most inclusive and accessible event in IFLA’s history, bringing to participants new experience and formats. RSCAO Program Sub-committee is engaged in planning the Asia and Oceania session. Registration will open in May. Stay tuned! https://www.ifla.org/wlic2021

Last but not least, we would like to thank our members and friends for the kind support and hope that people with different expertise will join the new Regional Division and bring the libraries in Asia and Oceania to a new level.

Best regards,



Call for Nominations: IFLA 2021 Honours and Awards [deadline extended]

IFLA - Fri, 14/05/2021 - 12:25

Do you know someone who has made an outstanding contribution to IFLA or to the global library field? IFLA’s Honours and Awards recognise those who have given significant service and made distinguished contributions to the profession.

Bestowed annually by the IFLA Governing Board, IFLA Honours and Awards are a great opportunity to acknowledge a colleague whose efforts you admire and respect. You can speak confidentially with others to initiate and support a nomination.

The Honours and Awards were recently reviewed and updated by the IFLA Governing Board so please read the new requirements carefully. The process is confidential and the nominee should not be aware of their nomination.

The Call for Nominations is out now. Don’t delay!


Who can make a nomination? 
All authorised representatives of IFLA Members and Personal Affiliates. Section Standing Committee members may nominate someone for a Scroll of Appreciation.

When will the presentations be made? 
Presentations are made during IFLA’s General Assembly.

How do I make a nomination?
Please download the relevant nomination form found at the bottom of this page, complete it with nominator signatures and referee reports and send it to ifla@ifla.org

late submissions shall not be considered

Honorary Fellow

Honorary Fellow is IFLA's highest award, and is conferred on the basis of merit on a person who has delivered long and distinguished service to IFLA and the global library field. It may not necessarily be awarded every year. A nomination for Honorary Fellow is required to be supported by at least four nominators from different countries who are current IFLA Members or Personal Affiliates. Nominations must include evidence to support any claims against the criteria. A nomination must be accompanied by at least three written referee reports. Referees should not also be nominators, and at least one referee should be an IFLA Member or Personal Affiliate. Referees should address the nominee's suitability for the award, in relation to the criteria and may provide further information relevant to the award if desired.

In making its decision, the Executive Committee will examine only the evidence provided by the nominators and the three referee reports submitted with this nomination. The evidence and referee reports you provide should be based on the following required criteria:

  1. Exemplary personal and professional contribution to IFLA
  2. Leadership and influence amongst colleagues and peers
  3. Exemplary contribution to the global library field
  4. Efforts in fostering IFLA values, for example, diversity, inclusion and equality
IFLA Medal

IFLA Medal is conferred on a person who has given distinguished service to IFLA or who has made a substantial contribution to the global library field.

A nomination for the IFLA Medal is required to have at least three nominators from different countries who are current IFLA Members or Personal Affiliates. A nomination must include evidence to support any claims of the nominee's distinguished service or contribution to IFLA or to the global library field. Each nomination shall be accompanied by at least two written referee reports. Referees should not also be nominators, and at least one referee should be an IFLA Member or Personal Affiliate.

In making its decision, the Executive Committee will examine only the evidence provided by the nominators and the two referee reports submitted with this nomination. The evidence and referee reports you provide should be based on the following required criteria

  1. Distinguished personal and professional contribution to IFLA and /or distinguished personal and professional contribution to the global library field
  2. Efforts in fostering IFLA values, for example, diversity, inclusion and equality
IFLA Scroll of Appreciation

IFLA Scroll of Appreciation is awarded to an individual who has given distinguished service to IFLA as a volunteer engaged in a committee or group.

The IFLA Scroll of Appreciation is peer nominated. A nomination for the IFLA Scroll of Appreciation is required to have at least two nominators from different countries who are current IFLA Members, Personal Affiliates or current members of a Section Standing Committee. Each nomination shall be accompanied by at least one written referee report. The referee should not also be a nominator. A nomination must include evidence to support any claims of the nominee's distinguished service or contribution to IFLA or to the global library field.

In making its decision, the Executive Committee will examine only the evidence provided by the nominators and the referee report(s) submitted with this nomination. The evidence and referee report(s) you provide should be based on the following required criteria

  1. Distinguished personal and professional contribution to IFLA’s committee(s) and/or group(s);
  2. Efforts in fostering IFLA values, for example, diversity, inclusion and equality

The IFLA Certificate of Appreciation is awarded annually to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) National Committee for that year.


The Executive Committee of the Governing Board considers all nominations in committee and in confidence. The Executive Committee and the Secretary General shall not enter into correspondence on individual nominations. Only successful nominations will be published.

Wherever possible, honours and awards shall be announced and conferred at the General Assembly.

  • IFLA Honorary Fellow [DOC] | [PDF]
  • IFLA Medal [DOC] | [PDF]
  • IFLA Scroll of Appreciation [DOC] | [PDF]

Nominations for awards to be conferred in 2021 are invited, in confidence, on the relevant form which should be returned by email to: ifla@ifla.org.

IFLA WLIC 2021: opportunities to join wherever you are, whatever your means!

IFLA - Wed, 12/05/2021 - 15:53

Join us at this year’s WLIC from wherever you live!

Bringing librarians and information specialists together for the world's most international conference has been the aim of IFLA's World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) since 1928. In 2021, WLIC will be held across three days - Tuesday, 17 August to Thursday, 19 August, spanning three time zones.

IFLA's Governing Board have optimised WLIC 2021 through exceptionally lower registration fees, widening inclusivity and encouraging broad attendance to its first virtual conference. Be a part of this extraordinary opportunity to join with colleagues and connect, shape and learn together.

Notably, IFLA Members and Affiliates will benefit from these lower rates - Library associations will be able to offer their members the reduced IFLA member rate and IFLA's institutional members will be able to register and enhance the learning of greater numbers of staff.  With this measure, IFLA acknowledges the librarians around the world who are contributing to the profession and supporting their national associations. If you are not part of your national association, now is the ideal time to join and take advantage of this timely membership benefit.

Have you always wanted to attend WLIC? This year you can, more easily than ever. To increase participation and bring our profession together, IFLA will invite those with the financial means to sponsor an extra registration for a fellow librarian elsewhere in the world. Students and retirees will benefit from a reduced rate, and even the non-member rates are low.

We’re still ironing out the details for our registration groups (including the final rates), so sign up for the IFLA WLIC Newsletter to stay informed about this and other WLIC 2021 news. Registration opens at the end of May!

Kind regards,

Gerald Leitner
Secretary General
The Hague, Netherlands
12 May 2021

HBS Webinar: Health Communication for the Complex World

IFLA - Tue, 11/05/2021 - 23:20

Meet us at the intersection of health literacy outreach and health communication in our upcoming webinar, 'Health Communication for the Complex World' with health scientist, science communicator, and podcaster Anna W. I. Au. Learn to use clear health communication strategies to improve your health literacy outreach efforts!

Friday, May 28, 1600-1700 BST (GMT+1)

See session details on our Events page.

Register today!

Realising the Potential of Open for Equitable, Resilient Recovery

IFLA - Tue, 11/05/2021 - 17:13

At a side-event to the United Nations Science, Technology and Innovation Forum 2021 on 5 May, speakers shared their insights on where work is needed to ensure that openness acts as a driver of sustainable development.

This year’s UN Science, Technology and Innovation Forum took place on 3-5 May, focusing on the theme of ‘science, technology and innovation for a sustainable and resilient COVID-19 recovery, and effective pathways of inclusive action towards the Sustainable Development Goals’.

Bringing together stakeholders from across government, academia, business and civil society, it provided a space to discuss progress in realising the potential of science, technology and innovation in achieving the UN's 2030 Agenda.

In a side-event organised by IFLA, along with the UN Library and the Library of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (whose Director, Wouter Schallier, acted as moderator), speakers focused in particular on the promise of open access and science, and the steps needed to fulfil this.

In his introduction, Thanos Giannakopoulos, Director of the UN Library underlined that while at least in some countries and disciplines, large shares of research publications are already open access, this is not the case everywhere.

Moreover, as has been clear, the availability of accurate information is not necessarily a cure, in itself, for the prevalence of misleading information.

Omo Oaiya, Chief Strategy Officer of the West and Central Africa Research and Education Network, highlighted the importance of good internet connectivity to allow for more equitable participation in open science.

He also highlighted the need to develop open science in a way that respected local, national and regional preferences and ways of doing things, in order to ensure a strong sense of ownership.

Ellen Tise, Director of Libraries at Stellenbosch University, focused on the need to reflect further on business models in publishing which risked excluding developing countries, either though high subscription prices, or high article processing charges.

She noted that a key goal was to find a way of sustaining local journals and repositories, for example in Africa, which were best placed to promote local research and innovation.

Jonathan Hernandez-Perez, Researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, echoed this emphasis on promoting models of open access publishing that promote a diversity of contributions, drawing on long-standing work on information diversity.

In particular, action was needed to avoid dominance by one language leading to the devaluing of research in other languages, for example through lower impact factors.

Dilara Begum, Chair of the Department of Library and Information Studies at East-West University, Dhaka, focused on the importance of accompanying the availability of materials with a drive to build information literacy skills.

The need to build such competences had been made clear by the pandemic, and in particular by the emergence of the ‘infodemic’. In addressing this, libraries could play an essential role.

Juan Miguel Diez-Jimenez, UN Information Centre for the Caribbean, presented the Verified initiative, which provided set of resources both to encourage people to double-check what they read, as well as to provide responses to common misconceptions.

The initiative has had a major impact, thanks to its attractive presentation, translation into different languages, and responsiveness to developments. He encouraged libraries around the world to draw on the available resources as part of their own work.

Finally, Thanos Giannakopoulos presented about the work of the United Nations to develop its own repository as an easily used tool for accessing information about the organisation’s work, supporting both research and better information.

The complexity of the task at hand represented a major challenge, requiring careful thought about design and use of the latest technologies, offering valuable lessons about how to facilitate access to quality information.


Overall, there was agreement both on how important open access is as a driver of progress on the SDGs, but also strong awareness that realising its potential will require action and investment in a range of areas.

From enhancing connectivity to consideration of business models and their side effects, and from information literacy skills to the development of platforms and tools to support discovery, many elements need to be in place. Active and well resourced libraries can play a major role in making progress.

With less than ten years to go to deliver on the 2030 Agenda, it is high time to fill these gaps, and so ensure that openness can fulfil its potential as a driver of inclusive growth and resilience.

Watch the session on IFLA's YouTube channel.

Leveraging Public Access to Connect Underserved Users - IFLA@WSIS 2021

IFLA - Sat, 08/05/2021 - 21:00

From targeted digital skills coaching to providing an adapted and welcoming space for all - an IFLA-led workshop at the WSIS Forum 2021 examined good practices and key issues in leveraging public access to connect the more vulnerable or underserved user groups.

The World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS) is an annual event bringing together diverse stakeholders to collaborate, exchange good practices, and create knowledge to leverage ICT for development.

As part of the Forum programme this year, IFLA organised a workshop on the role of public access to the internet and ICT in helping connect those most at risk of staying offline. Libraries have long worked to leverage public access to support equitable digital inclusion and access to information – and the session drew on these experiences to highlight good practices, key challenges and possible solutions.

Below are some of the key takeaways from the session:

A birds-eye view: public access in policy

Research by the Alliance for Affordable Internet, represented by Teddy Woodhouse, suggests that the availability of public access, and government support for public access solutions, show a consistent correlation with overall affordability of connectivity in a country.

Their publications highlight that public access is part of a comprehensive connectivity strategy. It can help generate demand for connectivity, build digital skills, and underpin a comprehensive network of connectivity points (especially for reliable, high-capacity connectivity) which users can draw on. Practical public access interventions from different countries illustrated how this can be leveraged to connect different underserved user groups.

Connecting older users – public access solutions on a wide scale

In a recent survey among public library users in Lithuania, more than 40% of older respondents living in rural areas said they do not have as many opportunities to go online outside of the library. To help connect such users, the work of public libraries with the “Connected Lithuania” project shows how public access solutions can be implemented and scaled up all across the country, as underlined by Simona Žilienė of the Lithuanian Library Association.

The project, co-funded by the EU and the Republic of Lithuania, focuses on building up users’ digital skills - particularly those from more vulnerable groups, like seniors or unemployed community members. Most public libraries have joined in since 2018, and at present around 100 000 adults have taken part and benefitted from digital skills learning opportunities in libraries. The project also saw the creation of the “community digital leaders” network, connecting more than 2 000 facilitators, many of whom are librarians.

Digital skills learning tailored for seniors

In Singapore, the National Library Board, represented by Grace Sim, has developed a multifaceted approach to supporting seniors in their digital journeys. It brings together three components – access to ICT, learning services, and spaces for peer learning and exchange.

The learning opportunities for seniors follow two strands – digital skills for life, and digital skills for work – and, in fact, libraries see a lot of interest from older users in advanced and emerging tech like AI or cloud computing. For example, 4-hour deep dive sessions about such emerging technologies for seniors attract 40-50 participants per event!

The experiences of libraries in Singapore emphasised the unique value of learning communities for senior users. There, they can learn with their peers, “demystify” tech, and explore it in a comfortable setting at their own pace – which can be particularly important for any seniors who might see digital skills learning as more intimidating or daunting.

Public access in more remote areas – towards equity and wellbeing

In Argentina, the Library of the National Congress of Argentina, represented by Isela Mo Amavet, has for many years worked with two initiatives offering remote public access: Bibliomóvil, a mobile bus, and the Sanitary Train. Both projects leverage ICT to help bring educational, cultural, and wellbeing services and events to more remote areas and locations outside of the bustling cities.

For example, the Bibliobus makes it possible to hold film screenings so that residents of more remote areas can enjoy same experiences as those who can more easily drop by a movie theater. Importantly, when preparing a visit, library professionals closely collaborate with local stakeholders to develop services and events which best meet local needs. This also illustrates the capacity of public access solutions to be tailored to local context, demand and needs.

Meaningful access to information and overcoming the gender divides – BSW’s IdeasBox4Women

Looking at another key underserved user group, BSF-Librarians Without Borders, represented by Muy-Cheng Peich, shared their experiences with working to broaden and facilitate access to knowledge and information for women.

Several years ago, BSF launched a study to better understand the gender skew in the use of their IdeasBox multimedia centers. This helped identify a range of barriers that impeded women and girls’ participation – psychological, logistical, social. BSF developed a range of interventions – from training facilitators to organising workshops that help meet women’s information needs – to address these challenges.

These experiences emphasised how important it is to identify underlying reasons for exclusion in a given context, and to tailor solutions in a way which is sensitive to and follows the lead of local knowledge, context, and culture.

Key takeaways:

  • From taking responsibility for logistical arrangements to developing tailored learning opportunities, public access facilities can be customised to meet the needs of underserved and vulnerable user groups.
  • The social element of public access can be an important benefit! Peer learning and positive role models can encourage and support users from more vulnerable groups, who may otherwise be more hesitant to engage.
  • Understanding the underlying barriers and tailoring solutions to local needs, following the lead and knowledge of local actors, helps contextualise public access solutions and initiatives. And partnerships can be a powerful tool to maximise impact!

You can find the recording of this session, as well as other WSIS Forum workshops and content, on the WSIS Forum 2021 Digital Agenda.

IFLA’s responds to the EU Consultation on the availability of works in accessible formats

IFLA - Thu, 06/05/2021 - 12:50

Beginning of 2021, the European Union has launched a consultation on the availability of non-printed works in accessible formats for people with disabilities in the single market.

Therefore, in collaboration with the Library Services to People with Special Needs section, IFLA gathered and shared evidence about the degree to which people with disabilities are able to use accessible-format works in the EU.

This survey comes almost 10 years after the Treaty of Marrakesh was signed by members of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), mandating exceptions and limitations to copyright for the benefit of people with print-disabilities, and four years after legislation was passed within the EU to implement its provisions. Both the Treaty, and the European legislation, leave open the possibility to extend the definition of beneficiaries to people with other disabilities.

In its response, IFLA has highlighted that while some works are accessible, disparities between countries mean that not all European citizens have the same opportunities.

For works such as audiobooks, printed works (for people with other than visual disabilities), sound recordings, audiovisual works, images, sculptural and architectural works, video games, software, IFLA has found these works were either not available at all, or only available with limitations in accessible formats. When these accessible-formats did exist, they were generally difficult or very difficult to obtain.

IFLA also mentioned that the COVID19 pandemic had had a significant negative impact on people with disabilities. Libraries often have had to close their doors, making it impossible for people with disabilities to access works. In addition, we fear that the economic impact of the crisis could reduce or cut funding for accessibility.

We have also pointed out that libraries have difficulty finding born-accessible works as production is considerably limited. As a result, they are working to create accessible formats, notably by circumventing - where legally permitted at the national level - technological protection measures. 

We hope that this consultation will start meaningful work in the European Union to expand the range of people who can benefit from Marrakesh Treaty provisions, and so move closer to the equal access to information envisaged in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

IFLA’s response to the EU Consultation on availability of works.


Watch Now: Libraries Inspire Engagement in Cultural Heritage Virtual Event

IFLA - Thu, 06/05/2021 - 12:32

The recording of IFLA’s virtual event, Libraries Inspire Engagement in Cultural Heritage, is available now!

This event, presented by the Cultural Heritage Programme Advisory Committee, invited four speakers from different types of memory institutions to share their experiences, both working with their institutions’ collections themselves, as well as with their visitors, with community groups, and with the larger public to help people experience, appreciate, learn from, and share cultural heritage

The stories shared during this programme were diverse and inspirational. We hope these stories encourage viewers to explore ways to bring their institutions' collections to life and help their communities engage with their cultural heritage in meaningful ways.

Watch the recording here.


Visit our webpage to learn more about cultural heritage at IFLA.

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სიღნაღის ბიბლიოთეკები და "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას"
საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას. პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით. საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

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საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას.
პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით.
საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

ყვარლის რაიონი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას"
საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას. პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით. საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

&#x10e1;&#x10d0;&#x10de;&#x10d8;&#x10da;&#x10dd;&#x10e2;&#x10d4; &#x10de;&#x10e0;&#x10dd;&#x10d4;&#x10e5;&#x10e2;&#x10d8; &quot;&#x10d8;&#x10dc;&#x10e2;&#x10d4;&#x10e0;&#x10dc;&#x10d4;&#x10e2;&#x10d8; &#x10e7;&#x10d5;&#x10d4;&#x10da;&#x10d0; &#x10e1;&#x10

საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას.
პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით.
საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

ყვარლის რაიონი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას"
საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას. პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით. საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

&#x10e1;&#x10d0;&#x10de;&#x10d8;&#x10da;&#x10dd;&#x10e2;&#x10d4; &#x10de;&#x10e0;&#x10dd;&#x10d4;&#x10e5;&#x10e2;&#x10d8; &quot;&#x10d8;&#x10dc;&#x10e2;&#x10d4;&#x10e0;&#x10dc;&#x10d4;&#x10e2;&#x10d8; &#x10e7;&#x10d5;&#x10d4;&#x10da;&#x10d0; &#x10e1;&#x10

საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას.
პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით.
საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

ყვარლის რაიონი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას"
საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას. პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით. საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

&#x10e1;&#x10d0;&#x10de;&#x10d8;&#x10da;&#x10dd;&#x10e2;&#x10d4; &#x10de;&#x10e0;&#x10dd;&#x10d4;&#x10e5;&#x10e2;&#x10d8; &quot;&#x10d8;&#x10dc;&#x10e2;&#x10d4;&#x10e0;&#x10dc;&#x10d4;&#x10e2;&#x10d8; &#x10e7;&#x10d5;&#x10d4;&#x10da;&#x10d0; &#x10e1;&#x10

საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას.
პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით.
საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

ლაგოდეხის რაიონი -"ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას"
საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას. პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით. საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

&#x10e1;&#x10d0;&#x10de;&#x10d8;&#x10da;&#x10dd;&#x10e2;&#x10d4; &#x10de;&#x10e0;&#x10dd;&#x10d4;&#x10e5;&#x10e2;&#x10d8; &quot;&#x10d8;&#x10dc;&#x10e2;&#x10d4;&#x10e0;&#x10dc;&#x10d4;&#x10e2;&#x10d8; &#x10e7;&#x10d5;&#x10d4;&#x10da;&#x10d0; &#x10e1;&#x10

საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას.
პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით.
საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

ლაგოდეხის რაიონი -"ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას"
საპილოტე პროექტი "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" გულისხმობს კახეთის რეგიონში რეგისტრირებული სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკების კომპიუტერული ტექნიკითა და ინტერნეტით უზრუნველყოფას. პროექტი ხორციელდება საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის გიორგი მარგველაშვილის ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით. საპილოტე პროექტის დასრულების შემდეგ იგეგმება კომპიუტერული ტექნიკით საქართველოს ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკის უზრუნველყოფა.

&#x10d4;&#x10e1; &#x10e5;&#x10d5;&#x10d4;&#x10db;&#x10dd; &#x10ee;&#x10dd;&#x10d3;&#x10d0;&#x10e8;&#x10d4;&#x10dc;&#x10d8;&#x10e1; &#x10d1;&#x10d8;&#x10d1;&#x10da;&#x10d8;&#x10dd;&#x10d7;&#x10d4;&#x10d9;&#x10d0;&#x10d0; &#x10e3;&#x10d9;&#x10d5;&#x10d4; &#

ეს ქვემო ხოდაშენის ბიბლიოთეკაა უკვე კომპიუტერით აღჭურვილი - ჩვენი პროექტის "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" მეორე ეტაპი დაიწყო. კომპიუტერები ჩავიტანეთ სიღნაღის რაიონის სოფელ მაღაროს, კალოებისა და ანაგის ბიბლიოთეკებში. ეტაპობრივად კომპიუტერულ ტექნიკას კახეთის რეგიონის თითქმის ყველა სოფელში ჩავიტანთ.

თელავის ბიბლიოთეკები და "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას"

&#x10d4;&#x10e1; &#x10e5;&#x10d5;&#x10d4;&#x10db;&#x10dd; &#x10ee;&#x10dd;&#x10d3;&#x10d0;&#x10e8;&#x10d4;&#x10dc;&#x10d8;&#x10e1; &#x10d1;&#x10d8;&#x10d1;&#x10da;&#x10d8;&#x10dd;&#x10d7;&#x10d4;&#x10d9;&#x10d0;&#x10d0; &#x10e3;&#x10d9;&#x10d5;&#x10d4; &#

ეს ქვემო ხოდაშენის ბიბლიოთეკაა უკვე კომპიუტერით აღჭურვილი - ჩვენი პროექტის "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" მეორე ეტაპი დაიწყო. კომპიუტერები ჩავიტანეთ სიღნაღის რაიონის სოფელ მაღაროს, კალოებისა და ანაგის ბიბლიოთეკებში. ეტაპობრივად კომპიუტერულ ტექნიკას კახეთის რეგიონის თითქმის ყველა სოფელში ჩავიტანთ.

თელავის ბიბლიოთეკები და "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას"

&#x10d4;&#x10e1; &#x10e5;&#x10d5;&#x10d4;&#x10db;&#x10dd; &#x10ee;&#x10dd;&#x10d3;&#x10d0;&#x10e8;&#x10d4;&#x10dc;&#x10d8;&#x10e1; &#x10d1;&#x10d8;&#x10d1;&#x10da;&#x10d8;&#x10dd;&#x10d7;&#x10d4;&#x10d9;&#x10d0;&#x10d0; &#x10e3;&#x10d9;&#x10d5;&#x10d4; &#

ეს ქვემო ხოდაშენის ბიბლიოთეკაა უკვე კომპიუტერით აღჭურვილი - ჩვენი პროექტის "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას" მეორე ეტაპი დაიწყო. კომპიუტერები ჩავიტანეთ სიღნაღის რაიონის სოფელ მაღაროს, კალოებისა და ანაგის ბიბლიოთეკებში. ეტაპობრივად კომპიუტერულ ტექნიკას კახეთის რეგიონის თითქმის ყველა სოფელში ჩავიტანთ.

თელავის ბიბლიოთეკები და "ინტერნეტი ყველა სოფლის ბიბლიოთეკას"
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