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Манифест о публичной библиотеке – 25 лет просветительской работы и многое другое!
В Манифесте ИФЛА / ЮНЕСКО о публичной библиотеке провозглашается вера ЮНЕСКО в публичную библиотеку как в живительную силу, питающую распространение образования, культуры и информации, а также как в важнейший фактор, способствующий установлению мира и благополучия, благодаря воздействию на взгляды людей по всему миру.
Самая последняя версия Манифеста, опубликованная в 1994 году, является для публичных библиотек краеугольным камнем адвокации. Однако по мере развития технологий и трансформации общества поменялись и способы выполнения публичными библиотеками своей миссии.
Поэтому ИФЛА и, в частности, Секция публичных библиотек совместно с ЮНЕСКО приступила к пересмотру Манифеста, чтобы он наилучшим образом отражал реалии и задачи публичных библиотек на сегодняшний день.
Глобальный призывСоздание обновленной версии Манифеста, который стал бы актуальным и полезным ресурсом для публичных библиотек различных стран, было бы невозможно без получения информации от представителей глобальной библиотечной отрасли.
В связи с этим в 2020 году Секция публичных библиотек ИФЛА запустила опрос для сбора идей и отзывов от библиотекарей по всему миру.
Получив более 600 ответов, представители ИФЛА узнали много нового о том, как библиотекари использовали Манифест в своей работе, а также получили предложения, касающиеся требующихся поправок и обновлений.
РезультатыВ поступивших ответах библиотекари поделились историями об обращении к Манифесту с целью обоснования необходимости благоустройства библиотек, наглядной демонстрации выборным должностным лицам и распорядителям бюджета важности финансирования, защиты свободного доступа и борьбы с цензурой, разработки более эффективных мероприятий для читателей, а также рассказали об использовании документа как информационного ресурса для исследователей и о многом другом.
При ответе на вопрос о том, считают ли они, что Манифест эффективно отражает миссию публичных библиотек сегодня, 78% респондентов оценили Манифест либо как «эффективный», либо как «очень эффективный».
Таким образом, ИФЛА пришла к выводу, что существующий Манифест требуется не переписывать, а лишь обновить, чтобы отразить новые и развивающиеся приоритеты публичных библиотек.
По итогам опроса штаб-квартира ИФЛА совместно с Секцией публичных библиотек разработала проект обновленной версии Манифеста. Кроме того, ЮНЕСКО ранее внесла огромный вклад в обеспечение того, чтобы благодаря Манифесту, деятельность публичных библиотек продолжила соответствовать как целям ЮНЕСКО, так и ее Программы «Информация для всех» (IFAP).
Что нового?Ниже приводится лишь краткий обзор некоторых новых или расширенных положений, которые планируется включить в новую редакцию Манифеста.
Общества знанийС 1994 года способы получения доступа к информации и ее использования существенно изменились. В обновленном Манифесте будет отражена роль публичных библиотек в становлении обществ знаний путем оказания помощи местному населению в осуществлении доступа к знаниям, их производству, созданию и обмену на справедливой основе.
Вышеуказанное также включает инициативы по привлечению новых пользователей, просветительскую работу с населением, сбор и предоставление доступа к местной информации, а также свободный доступ к научным знаниям.
Удаленный доступСреди многих уроков, извлеченных из пандемии COVID-19, важность наличия стратегий по обеспечению виртуального доступа и взаимодействия оказалась одной из важнейших для публичных библиотек. Таким образом, роль библиотек в предоставлении услуг читателям теперь будет рассматриваться не только в контексте очных, но и удаленных услуг.
Библиотеки и устойчивое развитиеБиблиотеки, являющиеся общедоступными площадками для обмена информацией, культурного развития и поощрения гражданской активности, должны рассматриваться как важные посредники в деле достижения устойчивого развития.
Благодаря своей деятельности, связанной с информацией, грамотностью, образованием и культурой, библиотеки способствуют достижению Целей устойчивого развития Организации Объединенных Наций и построению более справедливого, гуманного и устойчивого общества.
Это особенно актуально, когда речь идет о роли публичной библиотеки в обеспечении интеграции, доступа и культурного участия маргинальных социальных групп, коренных народов и пользователей с особыми потребностями.
Дальнейшие шагиВ настоящее время ИФЛА и ее Секция публичных библиотек совместно с партнерами из ЮНЕСКО занимаются доработкой обновленной версии Манифеста о публичной библиотеке.
Завершив этот процесс, ИФЛА планирует привлечь глобальное библиотечное сообщество к практической реализации концепций Манифеста и проведению мероприятий, которые позволят более эффективно отстаивать роль библиотек как силы, способствующей развитию образования и культуры, а также достижению инклюзивности и мира.
De nouvelles occasions : contribuer à la stratégie de l’IFLA en faveur d’un secteur des bibliothèques puissant et unifié
Le Congrès Mondial des Bibliothèques et de l’Information (CMBI) de l’IFLA procure une occasion incomparable de réaffirmer la finalité de la stratégie de l’IFLA, et d’accélérer les efforts entrepris pour la mettre en place.
A une époque de changement et d’incertitude, il est essentiel de tirer parti de toutes les ressources du secteur mondial des bibliothèques afin d’assurer un avenir puissant et durable à nos métiers et à nos institutions.
Le CMBI 2021 de l’IFLA intervient lors du second anniversaire du lancement de la Stratégie de l’IFLA 2019-24, un document conçu exactement à cette fin.
Un élément de référence pour notre secteurLa stratégie définit une vision – un secteur des bibliothèques puissant et unifié contribuant à une société instruite, informée et participative – et une mission – inspirer, impliquer, aider et connecter notre secteur. A travers les quatre directions stratégiques, elle définit des domaines d’action principaux, valables non seulement au niveau global, mais pour tous les aspects de la profession.
Chacune de ces directions – amplifier la voix mondiale des bibliothèques, inspirer et renforcer la pratique professionnelle, connecter et donner des moyens à notre secteur, et optimiser notre organisation – comprend quatre initiatives, qui à leur tour couvrent toutes les actions individuelles contribuant à assurer la mise en œuvre de la stratégie d’une manière concrète.
La stratégie propose à la fois un élément et un cadre de référence pour identifier les ajustements, renforcer la coopération et exploiter les synergies. De manière décisive, il ne s’agit pas seulement d’un document destiné à ceux qui travaillent au sein des comités de l’IFLA ou à son siège, mais aussi au secteur des bibliothèques dans leur ensemble, ce qui nous donne une feuille de route pour le voyage vers un avenir réussi.
CBMI – en marche vers nos objectifsLe Congrès Mondial des Bibliothèques et de l’Information de cette année, comme toutes les autres années, offre une occasion importante de progresser en vue de la réalisation des objectifs définis dans la stratégie.
Pour partie, c’est l’occasion offerte par le CMBI d’inspirer et d’être inspiré par le travail réalisé par les collègues du monde entier.
C’est aussi offrir une possibilité d’établir des contacts et des collaborations qui porteront leurs fruits à l’avenir, au profit des bibliothèques aussi bien que de leurs usagers. Identifier des collègues confrontés aux mêmes priorités que celles définies dans la stratégie, c’est une première étape décisive vers la création de partenariats.
De façon significative, il est temps de réaffirmer la mise en réseau (ou connexité) et l’unité du secteur mondial des bibliothèques, en tant que moyen puissant et sans équivalent de soutenir le travail des professionnels où qu’ils soient dans le monde.
L’accélération de nos effortsAlors que nous approchons de la mise en place de la première moitié de la stratégie de l’IFLA, le congrès montrera de nombreux exemples d’une implémentation réussie et d’interaction avec la stratégie et ses objectifs.
A travers l’occasion que le CMBI offre de toucher les professionnels du monde entier, de solliciter leur énergie et de créer des rencontres, nous avons la possibilité de passer à la vitesse supérieure. En tirant au mieux parti de notre secteur mondial, nous pouvons à notre tour assurer à tous une résilience plus forte et renforcer les performances pour tous.
Nous encourageons tout le monde à examiner les exemples de la mise en place de la stratégie de l’IFLA à cette date à travers notre série #IFLAFromHome, et à y réfléchir de manière à rejoindre tous ceux qui ont déjà embarqué pour ce voyage.
国际图联和联合国教科文组织共同发布的《公共图书馆宣言》(IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto,以下简称《宣言》)指出,教科文组织相信公共图书馆是教育、文化和信息领域的生力军,从全人类思想层面出发,推动实现和平与福祉。
调查结束后,国际图联总部与公共图书馆专业组联合起草《宣言》更新稿。联合国教科文组织也提供了宝贵的建议,确保公共图书馆与教科文组织及其“全民信息计划”(Information for All Programme,IFAP)的目标继续保持一致。
WLIC 2021 Virtual Conference Open Programme by the ENSULIB Section
19 August 2021 Online 10:00am CEST
Green libraries are not only designed to minimize negative impact on the natural environment and maximize indoor environmental quality by means of environmental sustainability, such as careful site selection, use of natural construction materials, conservation of energy and resources, recycling and etc. Rather they focus on related services, activities and projects demonstrating the social role and responsibility of libraries as examples, enablers, and educators in their community. In this session, the winner and runner-ups from the IFLA Green Library Award 2020 competition will present their outstanding exemplary projects. Also the winners for IFLA Green Library Award 2021 will be announced and presented. In 2021 the best green library and the best green library project were awarded. Moreover, a special recognition was given to a submission which made great impression to the Award committee. All contribution are in Pecha Kucha format and they will come from Thailand, Sri Lanka, Croatia, Senegal, Canada, Finland and Cuba.
Session Programme
Rangsit University Library and Sustainable Environment Management Report
The Hangzhou Public Library's Approach to Get Involved in the Green Mission
Public Library “Juraj Šižgorić”, Sibenik – “Project Green Library”
Lambaye Learning Center – “An Ecological Learning Center”
The Edmonton Public Library
Oulu City Library: A Responsible Library as Promoter of Environmental Awareness
BiblioVerde, a space to share and learn in harmony with nature
Q&A Session
Moderator: Priscilla Pun
New Opportunities: Working with the IFLA Strategy for a Strong and United Library Field
IFLA WLIC provides a great opportunity to reaffirm the goals of the IFLA Strategy, and to accelerate our efforts to implement it.
In times of change and uncertainty, it is essential to draw on the full resources of the global library field in order to ensure a strong and sustainable future for our profession and institutions.
The 2021 World Library and Information Congress marks the second anniversary of the launch of IFLA’s Strategy 2019-24, a document designed to do just this.
A reference point for the fieldThe Strategy sets out a Vision – a strong and united library field powering literate, informed and participatory societies – and a Mission – to inspire, engage, enable and connect the field. Through four Strategic Directions, it establishes major areas of action, applicable not just at the global level, but through every part of the profession.
Each of these Directions – to strengthen the global voice of libraries, to inspire and enhance professional practice, to connect and enable the field, and to optimise our organisation – have four key initiatives, which in turn cover all of the individual actions that contribute to delivering the Strategy in concrete terms.
The Strategy provides both a reference point and a framework for identifying alignments, reinforcing collaboration and exploiting synergies. Crucially, it is not just a document for those who work within IFLA’s committees or Headquarters, but also for the library field as a whole, providing a roadmap for the journey to a successful future.
WLIC – advancing towards our goalsIFLA’s World Library and Information Congress this year, like every year, provides an important opportunity to advance towards the goals set out in the Strategy.
In part, it is the opportunity that WLIC provides to inspire and be inspired by the work of colleagues around the world.
It is also a chance to establish contacts and collaborations which can bear fruit well into the future, for the benefit for libraries and their users alike. Finding colleagues addressing the same priorities set out in the Strategy is a key first step towards creating partnerships.
Significantly, it is a time to reaffirm the connectedness and the unity of the global library field, as a unique and powerful resource supporting the work of professionals wherever they are in the world.
Accelerating our effortsAs we head towards the halfway point in the delivery of IFLA’s Strategy, the Congress will see many examples of successful implementation of, and engagement with, the Strategy and its goals.
Through the opportunity that WLIC provides to reach professionals around the world, building energy and connections, there is an opportunity to move up a gear. By making more of the potential of our global field, we can in turn build greater resilience and enhance performance for all.
We encourage everyone to look at examples of implementation of the IFLA Strategy to date, through our #IFLAFromHome series, and to reflect on them so you can join the many others on the journey.
Be part of the change at the IFLA 2021 General Assembly
IFLA’s General Assembly is only a week away. Following this meeting, IFLA's new Statutes and revised structure will be implemented. A new era for the Federation will begin.
Key InformationThe General Assembly will be live from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague, Netherlands at 13:30 CEST on Wednesday 25 August 2021. Please check your time zone. Follow the meeting and the live-stream via IFLA’s YouTube channel. We’ll send out a reminder a day before so you don’t forget.
Social distancing and other Coronavirus restrictions are still in place in the Netherlands. Due to very limited seating and spaces in the venues, and if you will attend in person, we ask you to register with us by sending an email to generalassembly@ifla.org so we can make the necessary preparations in advance.
Each General Assembly provides the opportunity for IFLA’s members and community to be updated on the activities of the Federation and hear about our directions. Be part of the change. Thank you for your involvement and attention to our work.
Gerald Leitner
Secretary General
The Hague, Netherlands
17 August 2021
Open Educational Resources: Where ICT meets education and scholarship
You will hear the following presentations:
OR, open licensing, and the role of librarians as the vanguard of the open movement(Neil Butcher, OER Africa, OER Strategist. South Africa)
Drawing on work that OER Africa has been doing with the African Library and Information Association (AfLIA), this presentation will explore the concepts of OER and open access and their relevance to librarians in the context of the knowledge economy, including discussion on how this has become even more important given the effects of the coronavirus pandemic globally. The presentation will explore how open licensing is changing the role of librarians, while making their function more important than ever before. We will also explore what we have learned about the key skills and knowledge that librarians need to take on these new roles and strategies we have deployed to help to develop those skills amongst AfLIA members – and outline what lessons this might hold for libraries globally.
The burgeoning field of open education librarianship(Nicole Allen, SPARC, Director of Open Education. United States)
Over the last decade, academic libraries have emerged as drivers of OER policy, practice, and publishing of OER in the U.S. and Canada. Prompted by student concerns over the rapidly rising price of postsecondary textbooks, libraries have launched programs to support the use, creation, and pedagogy associated with OER, cultivating a new and growing field of open education librarianship. This presentation will explore the past, present, and future of why open education matters to libraries, focusing on a North American context.
Supporting educational resource discovery through distributed faceted discovery of open access resources across multiple systems(Edmund Balnaves, Prosentient Systems Pty Ltd. Australia)
Digital services supporting educational delivery increasingly need to draw on disparate data sources to bring together the research assets supporting content delivery.
This presentation discusses our experiments with very large discovery frameworks and to consolidate asset discovery across multiple sources in an opensource framework supported by analytics feeding into Artificial Intelligence for smart discovery of content in a very large asset store.
The use of this in the context of asset discovery for University of New England, Australia will be discussed.
WLIC 2021 Session: Transforming current thinking into smart policy: the increasing role of libraries as intellectual hubs
Tuesday 17 August, 0730 GMT
Our session follows the Opening Ceremony and includes the following presentations on:
Innovative Mechanisms for Evidence-Based Policy : Understanding how intellectual hubs support complex collaboration and new technologies by David Stokes
Planning for Uncertainty: Government Libraries as a Strategic Foresight Resource by Matt Finch
The Statistics Canada Library: A case study of supporting evidence-based policy by Elizabeth Nash
Followed by a live Q&A session. Remember if yhou can't attend live the session recording is available for a year.
Access to health information as a human right - join our Provocation plus Q&A [Day 1 of IFLA Congess, right after the Opening Ceremony]
COVID-19 presents the library profession with a huge opportunity. Never before has everyone been so aware of the need for reliable healthcare information, and yet so vulnerable to misinformation. Misinformation is a growing threat to global health. The only way to deal with it is to promote universal access to reliable healthcare information, and to empower people to tell the difference between reliable information and misinformation.
To make this happen, library and information professionals need to take the lead.
JOIN US on the first day of the IFLA Congress 17 August 2021
Provocation: 8:30 am - 9:15 am BST [See the time where you are]
Q&A session: 9:15 am - 9:45 am BST [See the time where you are]
See our event page for more information
WLIC 2021 Session: Libraries and Research Services Enable: evidence-based practice in parliamentary library and research services
The Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section will host a panel on DAY 2 at the WLIC 2021
A panel discussion session moderated by Sonia Bebbington of Canada and Ido Avgar of the Knesset Research and Information Center
Library of Congress, Chile: experience in evidence-informed policy advice
Contribution of the Knesset Research & Information Center to Evidence-Based Parliamentary Work
The role of Parliamentary Research Services in evidence-based policy in Kenya
New translations of Guidelines
With the translation into Thai and Spanish of the Guidelines, they are now available in 26 languages,
WLIC 2021 Session - Safe and open: post-recovery library design
Our session at WLIC 2021 - Safe and open: post-recovery library design - takes place on day 1 (17th August). Libraries will continue to deliver rich and engaging services and spaces for users in the post-recovery world but will increasingly be called upon to balance core design objectives with the need to protect the health and wellbeing of our users and staff. For example, there may be a tension between creating collaborative and flexible environments for our users to explore, creating rich learning environments and creating flexible staff workspaces for collaboration while also acknowledging the need for more flexible staff work arrangements. This provocation session will look at possible changes when libraries fully reopen after a substantial event (pandemic or fire, for example) and what may remain the same. Some questions will include "What does 'different ways of working' really mean?" "How will users different behaviours and needs in a post-recovery world influence/impact library space?" "How will aesthetics and atmosphere influence wellbeing and safety for staff and users?" "What design opportunities are available to meet these challenges?" There will be three speakers and a moderator; one of the speakers will be an architect. For more information see our Facebook Group and follow us on Twitter @ifla_lbes .
IFLA WLIC 2021: Your network, a global field!
In just a few days now, the global library field will be together again, back for the 86th World Library and Information Congress.
Organised virtually, with a view to maximising possibilities for participation by colleagues everywhere, it is an unparalleled opportunity for you to see and experience the energy, inspiration and diversity of the global library field.
With the IFLA Strategy providing a reference point, we will look to the future, to the actions that we can take to address the key challenges and questions we face.
We will discover, discuss, present, provoke and solve. Crucially, we will do this together, as a strong and united field.
So in our final newsletter before WLIC 2021, find out about what awaits those who register. And if you haven’t yet, don’t forget that the deadline is at 17:00 CEST on Monday 16 August!
Crucially, get ready for an extraordinary the most international, the most exhilarating opportunity around to build your personal and professional connections. Be part of our global field!
See you on 17 August!
Read on in the WLIC Newsletter, Issue 7, 11 August 2021.
Kind regards,
Gerald Leitner
Secretary General
The Hague, Netherlands
11 August 2021
Proyecto Año Iberoamericano de las Bibliotecas. Sección de América Latina y el Caribe IFLA LAC
En este contexto el Comité de América Latina y el Caribe-IFLA LAC ha desarrollado un proyecto que contempla acciones claras y contundentes frente a este tema:
PRIMERO reforzar la presencia de la region en el mapa mundial de bibliotecas de IFLA, para lo cual hemos realizado talleres virtuales de sensibilizacion en toda region mediante las asociaciones hemos capacitado a “talleristas” para que repliquen estos talleres en sus comunidades locales, y asi incrementar las historias de ODS de IFLA en el Mapa Mundial.
De igual forma en el contexto de la Reunion de Medio Ano hemos organizado el Seminario Internacional Virtual por el Ano Iberoamericano de las Bibliotecas para poner la discusion entorno a nuestras bibliotecas y su rol de futuro, convocando a los distintos tipos de bibliotecas existentes a lo largo de toda la region, tales como las bibliotecas publicas, comunitarias, patrimoniales, universitarias, especializadas, escolares, entre otras. Contamos con cuatro mesas y charlista magistrales excepcionales.
- MESA 1 Bibliotecas Publicas y Populares. Desafios y oportunidades.
- MESA 2 Bibliotecas Escolares y CRA. Los ODS y su vinculacion con las bibliotecas escolares: educacion de calidad y acceso significativo la informacion en tiempos de pandemia.
- MESA 3 Las Bibliotecas Académica y la Cuarta Revolucion Industrial. Bibliotecas para la transformacion, el trabajo interdisciplinar y el empoderamiento ciudadano
- MESA 4 Bibliotecas Especializadas. Ciencias al servicio de la sociedad.
Este encuentro de alcance internacional, permitio abonar al slogan “Bibliotecas que crean futuro”, permitira generar un espacio de reflexion alrededor de la diversidad de bibliotecas, donde se discutio y converso sobre el rol de las bibliotecas y su vigencia como un espacio democratico y de acceso libre a la informacion, el conocimiento y la cultura para todos y todas los ciudadanos.
Junto con ello desarrollamos un set de material audio visual (videos) sobre las bibliotecas de la region, que cuentan ademas con capsulas breves de promocion, todo este material esta disponible de acceso libre y gratuito para que ustedes utilicen en sus actividades, promociones y presentaciones.
Estas estaran con locucion en espanol subtituladas en espanol, portugués e ingles en las redes sociales de IFLA LAC. Estamos presentes trabajando activamente en el comité del Ano iberoamericano de las bibliotecas junto con IBERBIBLIOTECAS, ABINIA, CERLALC, Secretaria General Iberoamericana y otros actores relevantes de la region.
Creemos firmemente que las bibliotecas son los espacios democratizadores del acceso a la informacion y el conocimiento por antonomasia y garantes de aquello, espacios mas alla de los libros donde la sociedad y las comunidades pueden desarrollarse, compartir, participar, construir y sonar con un futuro mejor. Con igualdad y equidad, con justicia social y oportunidades.
Escuchamos y comprendemos las prioridades de todo el sector, y divulgamos el mensaje a través de la defensa de las bibliotecas y sus valores a nivel global y regional. Hablamos con conocimiento, confianza y autoridad sobre las politicas relevantes, garantizando el reconocimiento y apoyo a las bibliotecas como activos fundamentales de la comunidad, esenciales para la implementacion de las agendas de desarrollo. Nuestra fuerte presencia en las organizaciones y reuniones internacionales nos empodera como un socio valioso.
INICIATIVAS CLAVE 1.4 Influir en la opinion publica y en el debate sobre el acceso publico y los valores de las bibliotecas, incluida la libertad intelectual y los derechos humanos Brindaremos un liderazgo intelectual y practico para respaldar el acceso publico a la informacion y valores mas amplios para nuestro sector. Deseamos facilitar la comprension del rol de las bibliotecas como adalides de la libertad intelectual, fomentar la reflexion, coordinar la accion y promover las bibliotecas a nivel externo.
DIRECTIVA ESTRATÉGICA 3 CONECTAR Y EMPODERAR EL SECTOR Somos un centro de dialogo y accion. Somos el motor para un sector bibliotecario conectado y alineado, caracterizado por un verdadero espiritu de colaboracion, en el que no se excluye a ningun bibliotecario. Unimos pasiones, proveemos plataformas y permitimos la innovacion, el aprendizaje, y el desarrollo profesional en todos los niveles. De este modo, respondemos a los actuales desafios y oportunidades, y empoderamos al sector bibliotecario a prestar servicios de alta calidad que respondan a las necesidades de la comunidad, y promovemos la alfabetizacion, la innovacion, la preservacion del patrimonio y el acceso a la informacion para todos los usuarios.
INICIATIVAS CLAVE 3.2 Respaldar el trabajo en red y las conexiones virtuales Desarrollaremos un espiritu de colaboracion continua en el sector bibliotecario a través de herramientas virtuales de trabajo en red para permitir que cada bibliotecario participe y se comprometa con la conversacion global.
3.3 Empoderar al sector a nivel nacional y regional Incrementaremos la capacidad del sector bibliotecario para desarrollar acciones orientadas a las caracteristicas y requisitos regionales y nacionales, fortaleciendo a las asociaciones de bibliotecarios, las instituciones y las redes a todo nivel.
3.4 Brindar aprendizaje y desarrollo profesional especificos Proporcionaremos una variedad de oportunidades de aprendizaje que actualicen las practicas vigentes. Crearemos la capacidad de promover el compromiso y la evaluacion de la comunidad y hacer de cada bibliotecario un defensor de la profesion y desarrollaremos los lideres del futuro y los conectaremos entre si.
YOUTUBE VÍDEO GENERAL https://youtu.be/1ra4DMyJttk
BIBLIOTECAS PÚBLICAS https://youtu.be/t-4GHr8F2C0
BIBLIOTECAS ESCOLARES https://youtu.be/cTbGZ5moJpg
WLIC 2021: Event for AVMS
19 August will we have our session at Zoom.
The theme is "Preserving our recorded sound and visual heritage for the future...and beyond!"
Please join!
WLIC 2021: An Open Forum on LTR research projects: Beyond Helicopter Research: Unpacking International Studies on LIS Education and Research Methods
WLIC 2021: An Open Forum on LTR research projects: Beyond Helicopter Research: Unpacking International Studies on LIS Education and Research Methods:
When: August 18, 2:15-3 pm Chicago (CDT) / 3:15-4 pm New York (EDT) / 9:15-10 pm The Hague (CEST) / August 19, 3:15-4 am Beijing (CST) / 5:15-6 am Melbourne (AEST)
Where: (Libraries Inspire - Zoom Discussion Room 1) WLIC registration required.
This open forum sets the stage for a dialogue on conducting international LIS research that is sensitive to diverse communities, multiple ways of knowing, and local participation. The session will present two cases, describing what worked, how hurdles were overcome and critical concerns, to provide context for the conversation to follow.
The first, conducted by the IFLA Building LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group, is an international survey, directory and map of LIS education programs https://bslise.org/lis-education-map/ developed as a response to one of the recommendations of the IFLA Building Strong LIS Education White Paper (2018). The second, conducted by the IFLA Library Theory and Research (LTR) Section, in collaboration with the Education and Training Section, focuses on teaching research methods in LIS programs. The goals of the study are to examine what approaches to teaching research methods are currently being applied in LIS programs worldwide and to compare international educational models for preparing library practitioners to conduct research and evaluation studies. The designing of effective international LIS research calls for robust discussion and critical reflection, involving a wide range of perspectives, which moves the endeavor closer to truly international research.
Nuria Bautista-Puig (Spain) – Moderating the Design of Effective International LIS Research
Fatih Oguz (United States) – International Survey, Directory and Map of LIS Education Programmes
Krystyna Matusiak (United States) and Egbert Sanchez (Mexico) – An International Survey on Teaching Research Methods in LIS Programmes
WLIC 2021: A Solutions Room on Implementing the "IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programs": Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in Locally and Globally, with IFLA President Christine Mackenzie, President-Elect Barbara Lison and others
WLIC 2021: A Solutions Room on Implementing the "IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes": Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in Locally and Globally, with IFLA President Christine Mackenzie, President-Elect Barbara Lison and others:
When: August 18, 9-10 pm Chicago (CDT) / 10-11pm New York (EDT) / August 19, 4-5 am The Hague (CEST) / 10-11 am Beijing (CST) / 12-1 pm Melbourne (AEST)
Where: (Libraries Enable - Zoom Discussion Room 1) WLIC registration required.
The session will bring leaders and stakeholders together for robust engagement and creative approaches to adopting, supporting and promoting the IFLA Guidelines to develop LIS education programs, appropriate to a diverse community and relevant to its local contexts in a globalised economy. The IFLA Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group will explore how the IFLA leadership, staff, and units, as well as other appropriate LIS entities, can move the Guidelines forward. Moreover, the deliberations will inform the implementation of the Guidelines, and its alignment with opportunity #10 in IFLA’s Global Vision: We must give young professionals effective opportunities to learn, develop and lead. The Section on Education and Training, the Library Theory and Research Section, and LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG will consider the input and perspectives shared in the Guidelines implementation process.
Christine Mackenzie (Australia) – Welcome to Solutions Session on “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
Jaya Raju (South Africa) – Setting the Stage for the “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
Clara M. Chu (United States) – Global North Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in
Diljit Singh (Malaysia) – Global South Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-In
Barbara Lison (Germany) – IFLA’s role in the implementation of new “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
MLAS new videos about "Advocacy: The Power of Networking"
MLAS has created videos in different languages featuring interviews to library leaders from different regions of the world about "Advocacy: The Power of Networking."
The videos are available on the MLAS YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtUG5WEHueFM1T_faMhyS-ivjRFYnrEjW