EIFL-OA news and events

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All news from EIFL
Updated: 1 საათი 41 წუთი-ს წინ

WIPO PLR study is fundamentally flawed

სამ, 15/10/2024 - 12:25

Public Lending Right (PLR) gives authors (and other rightsholders) the right to receive payment for the non-commercial lending of books and other works by libraries. About thirty-five countries have active PLR systems - these are mostly in Europe plus Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Israel.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Annual meeting of Latvian Library Consortium

ორშ, 14/10/2024 - 19:42

Rima Kupryte, EIFL Director, and Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, will give a presentation about EIFL and its activities at the Annual meeting of the Latvian Library Consortium. The main topic of the meeting will be electronic resource acquisition and accessibility.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Open access book publishing: Infrastructure solutions and reflections

ხუთ, 26/09/2024 - 09:50

SUPRR, in collaboration with EIFL and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, wraps up a series of discussions with scholarly book publishers on new open access (OA) publishing business models. The aim of the series is to explore how Ukrainian monograph publishing can move to sustainable OA practices and how such models can be used or adapted to Ukrainian circumstances.

Session Three: Publishing infrastructure solutions and reflections:

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Open access book publishing: Commercial and Non-Commercial Presses

ხუთ, 26/09/2024 - 09:44

SUPRR, in collaboration with EIFL and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, continues a series of discussions with scholarly book publishers on new open access (OA) publishing business models. The aim of the series is to explore how Ukrainian monograph publishing can move to sustainable OA practices and how such models can be used or adapted to Ukrainian circumstances.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Open access book publishing: University Presses

ხუთ, 26/09/2024 - 09:26

SUPRR, in collaboration with EIFL and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, is launching a series of discussions with selected UK and US scholarly book publishers on new open access (OA) publishing business models. The aim of the series is to explore how Ukrainian monograph publishing can move to sustainable OA practices and how such models can be used or adapted to Ukrainian circumstances.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Portuguese 2024 Open Science Train-the-Trainers Bootcamp

სამ, 24/09/2024 - 16:49

EIFL Open Access Programme Project Coordinator Milica Ševkušić will be one of the trainers at the Portuguese 2024 Open Science Train-the-Trainers Bootcamp (Bootcamp 2024 de Formação de Formadores em Ciência Aberta). The six-day event is organized by the University of Minho and the Portugues OpenAIRE Open Access Desk. Milica’s presentation, focused on gamification, will be given online.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Sage Research Methods agreement extended

ხუთ, 19/09/2024 - 19:39

EIFL has signed a renewal agreement with Sage Publications for Sage Research Methods and Sage Research Methods Cases Part 1.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

New! EIFL guide: Choosing a journal for your research

ოთხ, 18/09/2024 - 12:38

EIFL has compiled a new guide, Choosing a Journal for Your Research: Checklist for Researchers and Librarians. The guide includes a comprehensive checklist for evaluating the key elements of a journal and its website and is designed to help researchers to choose the most appropriate journal for their work. The guide can also be used by research librarians to guide researchers through the process of selecting a journal.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Workshop for public library trainers in Ghana

ოთხ, 18/09/2024 - 11:32

The EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) and the Ghana Library Authority (GhLA) are organizing a training-of-trainers workshop for ICT coordinators from 15 public libraries in Ghana. The five-day workshop is part of the ‘Digital Learning @ Ghana Public Libraries’ project.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

EIFL-PLIP T-break: Mobile Literacy Skills for Youth

სამ, 17/09/2024 - 14:48

Public librarians who have completed training-of-trainers programmes organized by the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) team and partners in Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Uganda and Zambia are invited to attend this informal knowledge sharing event - a ‘T-break’, where T stands for trainers. We will continue with the theme, mobile literacy training for youth. 

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

EIFL renews agreements with Duke University Press

სამ, 17/09/2024 - 14:11

EIFL and Duke University Press have renewed the agreements for the e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection and the Euclid Prime Collection for a further three years. From 2025 more EIFL-partner countries will have free or discounted access to both collections. 

The e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection provides online access to 59 Duke University Press journals in the humanities and social sciences.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Summer school: ‘Open science in education and research: The best EU practices’

სამ, 17/09/2024 - 12:24

Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, will speak at the Summer School hosted by Sumy State University as a part of the Jean Monnet module ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH-101085198 – ‘Open Science and Education in Europe (OSEE): Success Stories for Ukrainian Academia’. Kuchma will talk about open science practices in journal publishing and in research grant applications.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

The Future of Research: An Introduction to Open Science

პარ, 13/09/2024 - 13:09

Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access (EIFL-OA) Programme Manager, and Milica Ševkušić, EIFL-OA Project Coordinator, will present at the EURAXESS ASEAN webinar on ‘The Future of Research: An Introduction to Open Science’. EIFL co-organized the webinar with EURAXESS ASEAN.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Data experts training

პარ, 13/09/2024 - 13:02

Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, will facilitate a session during training organized by the SPOZNAJ project consortium for people who will perform the role of data stewards or related profiles of data experts (e.g. data archivists, data librarians, data managers and data consultants) at their parent organizations. 

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა