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Webinar: Diamond Open Access Publishing in Africa

EIFL - FOSS news - ოთხ, 14/08/2024 - 16:27

EIFL’s report ‘Landscape of no-fee open access publishing in Africa’ will be discussed at the AfricArXiv Open Science webinar series organized by UbuntuNet Alliance and Access 2 Perspectives. The report provides an overview of open access (OA) journals in Africa that do not charge fees for either authors or readers (often referred to as Diamond OA journals). 

Webinar: Diamond Open Access Publishing in Africa

EIFL news and events - ოთხ, 14/08/2024 - 16:27

EIFL’s report ‘Landscape of no-fee open access publishing in Africa’ will be discussed at the AfricArXiv Open Science webinar series organized by UbuntuNet Alliance and Access 2 Perspectives. The report provides an overview of open access (OA) journals in Africa that do not charge fees for either authors or readers (often referred to as Diamond OA journals). 

EIFL renews agreement with Wolters Kluwer Health

eifl licensing news - ორშ, 12/08/2024 - 14:43

EIFL has renewed an agreement with Wolters Kluwer Health for another three years, until 31 December 2027. From January 2025, authors from EIFL partner countries will be able to publish in several more open access journals. 

The agreement includes  waived and discounted article processing charges (APCs) for the following 13 fully open access Wolters Kluwer Health  journals that cover a broad spectrum of medical scientific disciplines:

EIFL renews agreement with Wolters Kluwer Health

EIFL-OA news and events - ორშ, 12/08/2024 - 14:43

EIFL has renewed an agreement with Wolters Kluwer Health for another three years, until 31 December 2027. From January 2025, authors from EIFL partner countries will be able to publish in several more open access journals. 

The agreement includes  waived and discounted article processing charges (APCs) for the following 13 fully open access Wolters Kluwer Health  journals that cover a broad spectrum of medical scientific disciplines:

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

EIFL renews agreement with Wolters Kluwer Health

EIFL - FOSS news - ორშ, 12/08/2024 - 14:43

EIFL has renewed an agreement with Wolters Kluwer Health for another three years, until 31 December 2027. From January 2025, authors from EIFL partner countries will be able to publish in several more open access journals. 

The agreement includes  waived and discounted article processing charges (APCs) for the following 13 fully open access Wolters Kluwer Health  journals that cover a broad spectrum of medical scientific disciplines:

EIFL renews agreement with Wolters Kluwer Health

EIFL news and events - ორშ, 12/08/2024 - 14:43

EIFL has renewed an agreement with Wolters Kluwer Health for another three years, until 31 December 2027. From January 2025, authors from EIFL partner countries will be able to publish in several more open access journals. 

The agreement includes  waived and discounted article processing charges (APCs) for the following 13 fully open access Wolters Kluwer Health  journals that cover a broad spectrum of medical scientific disciplines:

DIAMAS: Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models

EIFL-OA news and events - ხუთ, 08/08/2024 - 13:22

EIFL is one of 23 partners in the ‘Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models to Advance Scholarly Communication’ (DIAMAS) project, which was launched in September 2022 to enhance open access publishing in the European Research Area (ERA). 

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

DIAMAS: Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models

EIFL - FOSS news - ხუთ, 08/08/2024 - 13:22

EIFL is one of 23 partners in the ‘Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models to Advance Scholarly Communication’ (DIAMAS) project, which was launched in September 2022 to enhance open access publishing in the European Research Area (ERA). 

DIAMAS: Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models

EIFL news and events - ხუთ, 08/08/2024 - 13:22

EIFL is one of 23 partners in the ‘Developing Institutional Open Access Publishing Models to Advance Scholarly Communication’ (DIAMAS) project, which was launched in September 2022 to enhance open access publishing in the European Research Area (ERA). 

Webinar: What’s fair in copyright? Fair use, fair dealing and fair practice

EIFL-OA news and events - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 18:49

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on three legal concepts commonly found in copyright laws around the world - fair use, fair dealing and fair practice. This is the last in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

Often debated and sometimes misunderstood, the webinar will briefly describe the origins and key characteristics of each concept of ‘fairness’, which countries have these flexible provisions in their copyright laws, how libraries can benefit, as well as trends and developments.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Webinar: What’s fair in copyright? Fair use, fair dealing and fair practice

EIFL - FOSS news - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 18:49

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on three legal concepts commonly found in copyright laws around the world - fair use, fair dealing and fair practice. This is the last in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

Often debated and sometimes misunderstood, the webinar will briefly describe the origins and key characteristics of each concept of ‘fairness’, which countries have these flexible provisions in their copyright laws, how libraries can benefit, as well as trends and developments.

Webinar: What’s fair in copyright? Fair use, fair dealing and fair practice

EIFL news and events - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 18:49

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on three legal concepts commonly found in copyright laws around the world - fair use, fair dealing and fair practice. This is the last in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

Often debated and sometimes misunderstood, the webinar will briefly describe the origins and key characteristics of each concept of ‘fairness’, which countries have these flexible provisions in their copyright laws, how libraries can benefit, as well as trends and developments.

Webinar: Libraries, Copyright, Research and Development

EIFL-OA news and events - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 18:33

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on the topic of Libraries, Copyright, Research and Development. This is the third in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

The webinar will focus on the role of copyright limitations and exceptions (L&Es) as an intrinsic part of a healthy copyright system and vital tools that enable creativity, innovation, access to knowledge and educational materials.

The expert speaker is Faith Majekolagbe, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Canada.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Webinar: Libraries, Copyright, Research and Development

EIFL - FOSS news - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 18:33

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on the topic of Libraries, Copyright, Research and Development. This is the third in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

The webinar will focus on the role of copyright limitations and exceptions (L&Es) as an intrinsic part of a healthy copyright system and vital tools that enable creativity, innovation, access to knowledge and educational materials.

The expert speaker is Faith Majekolagbe, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Canada.

Webinar: Libraries, Copyright, Research and Development

EIFL news and events - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 18:33

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on the topic of Libraries, Copyright, Research and Development. This is the third in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

The webinar will focus on the role of copyright limitations and exceptions (L&Es) as an intrinsic part of a healthy copyright system and vital tools that enable creativity, innovation, access to knowledge and educational materials.

The expert speaker is Faith Majekolagbe, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Canada.

Webinar: Libraries, Copyright and the Commons

EIFL-OA news and events - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 18:22

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on the popular topic of Libraries, Copyright and the Commons. This is the second in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Webinar: Libraries, Copyright and the Commons

EIFL - FOSS news - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 18:22

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on the popular topic of Libraries, Copyright and the Commons. This is the second in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

Webinar: Libraries, Copyright and the Commons

EIFL news and events - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 18:22

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on the popular topic of Libraries, Copyright and the Commons. This is the second in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

Webinar: Libraries, Copyright and AI for science and research

EIFL-OA news and events - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 12:02

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on Libraries, Copyright and AI (artificial intelligence) with a focus on science and research. This is the first in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

This webinar will set out core principles necessary for the making of AI policy and regulations that are supportive of science and research. It will also highlight AI provisions in copyright laws, and the status of litigation concerning the use of machine learning technologies in different jurisdictions around the world.

კატეგორიები: თავისუფალი წვდომა

Webinar: Libraries, Copyright and AI for science and research

EIFL - FOSS news - სამ, 06/08/2024 - 12:02

EIFL is pleased to organize a webinar on Libraries, Copyright and AI (artificial intelligence) with a focus on science and research. This is the first in a series of four EIFL webinars on copyright and libraries (further details below).

This webinar will set out core principles necessary for the making of AI policy and regulations that are supportive of science and research. It will also highlight AI provisions in copyright laws, and the status of litigation concerning the use of machine learning technologies in different jurisdictions around the world.

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