WLIC 2021 Session - Safe and open: post-recovery library design
Our session at WLIC 2021 - Safe and open: post-recovery library design - takes place on day 1 (17th August). Libraries will continue to deliver rich and engaging services and spaces for users in the post-recovery world but will increasingly be called upon to balance core design objectives with the need to protect the health and wellbeing of our users and staff. For example, there may be a tension between creating collaborative and flexible environments for our users to explore, creating rich learning environments and creating flexible staff workspaces for collaboration while also acknowledging the need for more flexible staff work arrangements. This provocation session will look at possible changes when libraries fully reopen after a substantial event (pandemic or fire, for example) and what may remain the same. Some questions will include "What does 'different ways of working' really mean?" "How will users different behaviours and needs in a post-recovery world influence/impact library space?" "How will aesthetics and atmosphere influence wellbeing and safety for staff and users?" "What design opportunities are available to meet these challenges?" There will be three speakers and a moderator; one of the speakers will be an architect. For more information see our Facebook Group and follow us on Twitter @ifla_lbes .
IFLA WLIC 2021: Your network, a global field!
In just a few days now, the global library field will be together again, back for the 86th World Library and Information Congress.
Organised virtually, with a view to maximising possibilities for participation by colleagues everywhere, it is an unparalleled opportunity for you to see and experience the energy, inspiration and diversity of the global library field.
With the IFLA Strategy providing a reference point, we will look to the future, to the actions that we can take to address the key challenges and questions we face.
We will discover, discuss, present, provoke and solve. Crucially, we will do this together, as a strong and united field.
So in our final newsletter before WLIC 2021, find out about what awaits those who register. And if you haven’t yet, don’t forget that the deadline is at 17:00 CEST on Monday 16 August!
Crucially, get ready for an extraordinary the most international, the most exhilarating opportunity around to build your personal and professional connections. Be part of our global field!
See you on 17 August!
Read on in the WLIC Newsletter, Issue 7, 11 August 2021.
Kind regards,
Gerald Leitner
Secretary General
The Hague, Netherlands
11 August 2021
Proyecto Año Iberoamericano de las Bibliotecas. Sección de América Latina y el Caribe IFLA LAC
En este contexto el Comité de América Latina y el Caribe-IFLA LAC ha desarrollado un proyecto que contempla acciones claras y contundentes frente a este tema:
PRIMERO reforzar la presencia de la region en el mapa mundial de bibliotecas de IFLA, para lo cual hemos realizado talleres virtuales de sensibilizacion en toda region mediante las asociaciones hemos capacitado a “talleristas” para que repliquen estos talleres en sus comunidades locales, y asi incrementar las historias de ODS de IFLA en el Mapa Mundial.
De igual forma en el contexto de la Reunion de Medio Ano hemos organizado el Seminario Internacional Virtual por el Ano Iberoamericano de las Bibliotecas para poner la discusion entorno a nuestras bibliotecas y su rol de futuro, convocando a los distintos tipos de bibliotecas existentes a lo largo de toda la region, tales como las bibliotecas publicas, comunitarias, patrimoniales, universitarias, especializadas, escolares, entre otras. Contamos con cuatro mesas y charlista magistrales excepcionales.
- MESA 1 Bibliotecas Publicas y Populares. Desafios y oportunidades.
- MESA 2 Bibliotecas Escolares y CRA. Los ODS y su vinculacion con las bibliotecas escolares: educacion de calidad y acceso significativo la informacion en tiempos de pandemia.
- MESA 3 Las Bibliotecas Académica y la Cuarta Revolucion Industrial. Bibliotecas para la transformacion, el trabajo interdisciplinar y el empoderamiento ciudadano
- MESA 4 Bibliotecas Especializadas. Ciencias al servicio de la sociedad.
Este encuentro de alcance internacional, permitio abonar al slogan “Bibliotecas que crean futuro”, permitira generar un espacio de reflexion alrededor de la diversidad de bibliotecas, donde se discutio y converso sobre el rol de las bibliotecas y su vigencia como un espacio democratico y de acceso libre a la informacion, el conocimiento y la cultura para todos y todas los ciudadanos.
Junto con ello desarrollamos un set de material audio visual (videos) sobre las bibliotecas de la region, que cuentan ademas con capsulas breves de promocion, todo este material esta disponible de acceso libre y gratuito para que ustedes utilicen en sus actividades, promociones y presentaciones.
Estas estaran con locucion en espanol subtituladas en espanol, portugués e ingles en las redes sociales de IFLA LAC. Estamos presentes trabajando activamente en el comité del Ano iberoamericano de las bibliotecas junto con IBERBIBLIOTECAS, ABINIA, CERLALC, Secretaria General Iberoamericana y otros actores relevantes de la region.
Creemos firmemente que las bibliotecas son los espacios democratizadores del acceso a la informacion y el conocimiento por antonomasia y garantes de aquello, espacios mas alla de los libros donde la sociedad y las comunidades pueden desarrollarse, compartir, participar, construir y sonar con un futuro mejor. Con igualdad y equidad, con justicia social y oportunidades.
Escuchamos y comprendemos las prioridades de todo el sector, y divulgamos el mensaje a través de la defensa de las bibliotecas y sus valores a nivel global y regional. Hablamos con conocimiento, confianza y autoridad sobre las politicas relevantes, garantizando el reconocimiento y apoyo a las bibliotecas como activos fundamentales de la comunidad, esenciales para la implementacion de las agendas de desarrollo. Nuestra fuerte presencia en las organizaciones y reuniones internacionales nos empodera como un socio valioso.
INICIATIVAS CLAVE 1.4 Influir en la opinion publica y en el debate sobre el acceso publico y los valores de las bibliotecas, incluida la libertad intelectual y los derechos humanos Brindaremos un liderazgo intelectual y practico para respaldar el acceso publico a la informacion y valores mas amplios para nuestro sector. Deseamos facilitar la comprension del rol de las bibliotecas como adalides de la libertad intelectual, fomentar la reflexion, coordinar la accion y promover las bibliotecas a nivel externo.
DIRECTIVA ESTRATÉGICA 3 CONECTAR Y EMPODERAR EL SECTOR Somos un centro de dialogo y accion. Somos el motor para un sector bibliotecario conectado y alineado, caracterizado por un verdadero espiritu de colaboracion, en el que no se excluye a ningun bibliotecario. Unimos pasiones, proveemos plataformas y permitimos la innovacion, el aprendizaje, y el desarrollo profesional en todos los niveles. De este modo, respondemos a los actuales desafios y oportunidades, y empoderamos al sector bibliotecario a prestar servicios de alta calidad que respondan a las necesidades de la comunidad, y promovemos la alfabetizacion, la innovacion, la preservacion del patrimonio y el acceso a la informacion para todos los usuarios.
INICIATIVAS CLAVE 3.2 Respaldar el trabajo en red y las conexiones virtuales Desarrollaremos un espiritu de colaboracion continua en el sector bibliotecario a través de herramientas virtuales de trabajo en red para permitir que cada bibliotecario participe y se comprometa con la conversacion global.
3.3 Empoderar al sector a nivel nacional y regional Incrementaremos la capacidad del sector bibliotecario para desarrollar acciones orientadas a las caracteristicas y requisitos regionales y nacionales, fortaleciendo a las asociaciones de bibliotecarios, las instituciones y las redes a todo nivel.
3.4 Brindar aprendizaje y desarrollo profesional especificos Proporcionaremos una variedad de oportunidades de aprendizaje que actualicen las practicas vigentes. Crearemos la capacidad de promover el compromiso y la evaluacion de la comunidad y hacer de cada bibliotecario un defensor de la profesion y desarrollaremos los lideres del futuro y los conectaremos entre si.
YOUTUBE VÍDEO GENERAL https://youtu.be/1ra4DMyJttk
BIBLIOTECAS PÚBLICAS https://youtu.be/t-4GHr8F2C0
BIBLIOTECAS ESCOLARES https://youtu.be/cTbGZ5moJpg
WLIC 2021: Event for AVMS
19 August will we have our session at Zoom.
The theme is "Preserving our recorded sound and visual heritage for the future...and beyond!"
Please join!
WLIC 2021: An Open Forum on LTR research projects: Beyond Helicopter Research: Unpacking International Studies on LIS Education and Research Methods
WLIC 2021: An Open Forum on LTR research projects: Beyond Helicopter Research: Unpacking International Studies on LIS Education and Research Methods:
When: August 18, 2:15-3 pm Chicago (CDT) / 3:15-4 pm New York (EDT) / 9:15-10 pm The Hague (CEST) / August 19, 3:15-4 am Beijing (CST) / 5:15-6 am Melbourne (AEST)
Where: (Libraries Inspire - Zoom Discussion Room 1) WLIC registration required.
This open forum sets the stage for a dialogue on conducting international LIS research that is sensitive to diverse communities, multiple ways of knowing, and local participation. The session will present two cases, describing what worked, how hurdles were overcome and critical concerns, to provide context for the conversation to follow.
The first, conducted by the IFLA Building LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group, is an international survey, directory and map of LIS education programs https://bslise.org/lis-education-map/ developed as a response to one of the recommendations of the IFLA Building Strong LIS Education White Paper (2018). The second, conducted by the IFLA Library Theory and Research (LTR) Section, in collaboration with the Education and Training Section, focuses on teaching research methods in LIS programs. The goals of the study are to examine what approaches to teaching research methods are currently being applied in LIS programs worldwide and to compare international educational models for preparing library practitioners to conduct research and evaluation studies. The designing of effective international LIS research calls for robust discussion and critical reflection, involving a wide range of perspectives, which moves the endeavor closer to truly international research.
Nuria Bautista-Puig (Spain) – Moderating the Design of Effective International LIS Research
Fatih Oguz (United States) – International Survey, Directory and Map of LIS Education Programmes
Krystyna Matusiak (United States) and Egbert Sanchez (Mexico) – An International Survey on Teaching Research Methods in LIS Programmes
WLIC 2021: A Solutions Room on Implementing the "IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programs": Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in Locally and Globally, with IFLA President Christine Mackenzie, President-Elect Barbara Lison and others
WLIC 2021: A Solutions Room on Implementing the "IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes": Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in Locally and Globally, with IFLA President Christine Mackenzie, President-Elect Barbara Lison and others:
When: August 18, 9-10 pm Chicago (CDT) / 10-11pm New York (EDT) / August 19, 4-5 am The Hague (CEST) / 10-11 am Beijing (CST) / 12-1 pm Melbourne (AEST)
Where: (Libraries Enable - Zoom Discussion Room 1) WLIC registration required.
The session will bring leaders and stakeholders together for robust engagement and creative approaches to adopting, supporting and promoting the IFLA Guidelines to develop LIS education programs, appropriate to a diverse community and relevant to its local contexts in a globalised economy. The IFLA Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group will explore how the IFLA leadership, staff, and units, as well as other appropriate LIS entities, can move the Guidelines forward. Moreover, the deliberations will inform the implementation of the Guidelines, and its alignment with opportunity #10 in IFLA’s Global Vision: We must give young professionals effective opportunities to learn, develop and lead. The Section on Education and Training, the Library Theory and Research Section, and LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG will consider the input and perspectives shared in the Guidelines implementation process.
Christine Mackenzie (Australia) – Welcome to Solutions Session on “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
Jaya Raju (South Africa) – Setting the Stage for the “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
Clara M. Chu (United States) – Global North Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in
Diljit Singh (Malaysia) – Global South Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-In
Barbara Lison (Germany) – IFLA’s role in the implementation of new “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
MLAS new videos about "Advocacy: The Power of Networking"
MLAS has created videos in different languages featuring interviews to library leaders from different regions of the world about "Advocacy: The Power of Networking."
The videos are available on the MLAS YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtUG5WEHueFM1T_faMhyS-ivjRFYnrEjWThe Session of Local History and Genealogy Section on the IFLA WLIC 2021
WLIC 2021 Event: Multicultural library services worldwide
IFLA WLIC 2021: Multicultural library services worldwide: 15 years of the IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto
When: August 18, 10-10:45 am Chicago (CDT) / 11-11:45am New York (EDT) / 5-5:45 pm The Hague (CEST) / 11-11:45 pm Beijing (CST) / August 19, 1-1:45 am Melbourne (AEST)
Where: (Libraries Include - Stream 2) WLIC registration required.
Fifteen years ago, the IFLA Multicultural Library Manifesto was approved by the IFLA Governing Board at the 2006 World Library and Information Congress in Seoul, and endorsed by UNESCO in 2009. The primary goal of the Manifesto was to assist libraries in developing and advocating for multicultural services.
The creation of the Manifesto has paved the way for other initiatives, including the Manifesto Toolkit, which was launched at the 2014 World Library and Information Congress in Lyon, revised in 2018, and so far translated into Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.
This virtual conference setting provides the unique opportunity to put together a discussion panel featuring section leaders who were actively involved in the development of the Manifesto and Toolkit: Mijin Kim (Chair 2007-2011), Tess Tobin (Chair 2011-2015), Lan Gao (Chair 2019-2021) and Adjoa K. Boateng (Chair 2017-2019) who will facilitate the discussion.
This 45-minute pre-recorded session will be an opportunity to look back fifteen years, returning to the origins and vision for the Manifesto - the circumstances around the decision to create this document, and the kinds of change that were envisioned in the sector as a result. Panelists will share their recollections of the challenges in developing the manifesto - firstly as an official IFLA document, and then endorsed by UNESCO.
The panel will also discuss the importance of also creating an accompanying toolkit, to provide practical guidance in applying the Manifesto in libraries, and the work undertaken in developing this toolkit.
Finally, the session will be an opportunity to discuss the value of library manifestos, as demonstrated by the IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto, and the lessons learnt that other IFLA sections can take on when developing plans for creating their own manifestos.
This panel discussion will be followed by a live Q&A session with the panelists in Zoom Discussion Room 2.
IFLA SET + IFLA Strategy: celebrating collaboration
Closely aligned to the IFLA Key Initiative 3.1 “Provide excellent opportunities for networking and learning” the IFLA Section on Education and Training (IFLA SET) sets an excellent example for working “outside of silos”, by focusing on collaboration and developing collective actions across sectors.
SET’s ultimate goal is to advance the profession through understanding best practices in LIS education. Here are some of their amazing products, resulting from their collective and hard work:
1. Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE): https://bslise.orgIn collaboration with the LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group and the Library Theory and Research Section, the SET launched the BSLISE Working Group in 2016. Since then, the BSLISE working group was strengthened to involve 35 members from all 5 IFLA regions, representing 19 countries and 18 languages.
The working group is devoted to strengthening the international quality of LIS education, and consequently, the excellence of LIS professional practice. Here are some recent highlights:
Based on key findings from an LIS professional practice survey, BSLISE members coordinated with SET and LTR to advance work on three of recommended White Paper action areas: an LIS schools/programs survey and mapping project, identification of eight Foundational Knowledge Areas (FKAs), and development of LIS education guidelines to update IFLA's Guidelines for Professional Library/Information Educational Programs - 2012.
- Student spotlight project
This project profiles experiences and views of LIS students from around the world. It emerged out of an internship program with by student members of the iLab, a hands-on learning laboratory at the University of North Carolina (Greensboro, USA).
A more detailed description of the project can be found in an article in the 2020 issue of the IFLA SET Bulletin, 21 (2), pp. 22-28, written by Amanda Thompson.
- LIS Student Library Voices: Global Peer to Peer Dialogue
This joint project was introduced by Albina Krymskaya and her student, Alena Katina, both of the St. Petersburg university of culture (Russia), with BSLISE Intern Alice Herring, an LIS student at the university of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA).
This initiative aims to develop a global student network of LIS students where they can meet each other, learn about each other’s programs, and share their perspectives. The development of this initiative has been opened to the members of the BSLISE Working Group.
2. WebinarsSET launched a Webinar Series for LIS specialists in terms of acquiring professional competences, scheduled monthly.
So far, a 2-day webinar has been held in November 2020 with the theme “Putting Emerging LIS Competencies into Education and Practice: Challenges and Opportunities.” This webinar focused on projects utilizing innovative LIS competencies in education and practice. There were six presentations from 8 countries (Kuwait, Taiwan, France, Peru, USA, China, Italy and Canada). The programme, slides and other materials on this webinar can be found here.
Webinar "Putting emerging LIS competencies into education and practice: challenges and opportunities" Day 1
Webinar "Putting emerging LIS competencies into education and practice: challenges and opportunities" Day 2
The next one is being held today: https://www.ifla.org/node/93487
Register to book your seat! https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_I47xEHslQ6-2zJrhiQC86Q
There are more upcoming projects for LIS professionals and students in 2021. Stay tuned!
Read more about the IFLA Strategy 2019-2024
How is your library or library association engaging with the IFLA Strategy? Let us know! Post on your social media, using the hashtag #IFLAStrategy and #WeAreIFLA or send an email to Despina Gerasimidou, IFLA’s Strategic Development Officer at despina.gerasimidou@ifla.org.
IFLA WLIC 2021: An Open Forum on LTR research projects: Beyond Helicopter Research: Unpacking International Studies on LIS Education and Research Methods
Register and join the IFLA WLIC 2021 'Let's work together for the future', 17-19 August 2021.
LIS research that is sensitive to diverse communities, multiple ways of knowing, and local participation
IFLA WLIC 2021: An Open Forum on LTR research projects: Beyond Helicopter Research: Unpacking International Studies on LIS Education and Research Methods:
When: August 18, 2:15-3 pm Chicago (CDT) / 3:15-4 pm New York (EDT) / 9:15-10 pm The Hague (CEST) / August 19, 3:15-4 am Beijing (CST) / 5:15-6 am Melbourne (AEST)
Where: (Libraries Inspire - Zoom Discussion Room 1) - WLIC registration required.
This open forum sets the stage for a dialogue on conducting international LIS research that is sensitive to diverse communities, multiple ways of knowing, and local participation. The session will present two cases, describing what worked, how hurdles were overcome and critical concerns, to provide context for the conversation to follow.
The first, conducted by the IFLA Building LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group, is an international survey, directory and map of LIS education programs https://bslise.org/lis-education-map/ developed as a response to one of the recommendations of the IFLA Building Strong LIS Education White Paper (2018). The second, conducted by the IFLA Library Theory and Research (LTR) Section, in collaboration with the Education and Training Section, focuses on teaching research methods in LIS programs. The goals of the study are to examine what approaches to teaching research methods are currently being applied in LIS programs worldwide and to compare international educational models for preparing library practitioners to conduct research and evaluation studies. The designing of effective international LIS research calls for robust discussion and critical reflection, involving a wide range of perspectives, which moves the endeavor closer to truly international research.
- Nuria Bautista-Puig (Spain) – Moderating the Design of Effective International LIS Research
- Fatih Oguz (United States) – International Survey, Directory and Map of LIS Education Programmes
- Krystyna Matusiak (United States) and Egbert Sanchez (Mexico) – An International Survey on Teaching Research Methods in LIS Programmes.
IFLA WLIC 2021: A Solutions Room on Implementing the "IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programs": Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in Locally and Globally, with IFLA President Christine Mackenzie, President-Elect Barbara Lison and others
Register and join the IFLA WLIC 2021 'Let's work together for the future', 17-19 August 2021.
Robust engagement and creative approaches to adopting, supporting and promoting the IFLA Guidelines
IFLA WLIC 2021: A Solutions Room on Implementing the "IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes": Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in Locally and Globally, with IFLA President Christine Mackenzie, President-Elect Barbara Lison and others:
When: August 18, 9-10 pm Chicago (CDT) / 10-11pm New York (EDT) / August 19, 4-5 am The Hague (CEST) / 10-11 am Beijing (CST) / 12-1 pm Melbourne (AEST)
Where: (Libraries Enable - Zoom Discussion Room 1) - WLIC registration required.
The session will bring leaders and stakeholders together for robust engagement and creative approaches to adopting, supporting and promoting the IFLA Guidelines to develop LIS education programs, appropriate to a diverse community and relevant to its local contexts in a globalised economy. The IFLA Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group will explore how the IFLA leadership, staff, and units, as well as other appropriate LIS entities, can move the Guidelines forward. Moreover, the deliberations will inform the implementation of the Guidelines, and its alignment with opportunity #10 in IFLA’s Global Vision: We must give young professionals effective opportunities to learn, develop and lead. The Section on Education and Training, the Library Theory and Research Section, and LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG will consider the input and perspectives shared in the Guidelines implementation process.
- Christine Mackenzie (Australia) – Welcome to Solutions Session on “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
- Jaya Raju (South Africa) – Setting the Stage for the “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
- Clara M. Chu (United States) – Global North Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in
- Diljit Singh (Malaysia) – Global South Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-In
- Barbara Lison (Germany) – IFLA’s role in the implementation of new “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
Register and join the IFLA WLIC 2021 'Let's work together for the future', 17-19 August 2021.
Robust engagement and creative approaches to adopting, supporting and promoting the IFLA Guidelines
IFLA WLIC 2021: A Solutions Room on Implementing the "IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes": Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in Locally and Globally, with IFLA President Christine Mackenzie, President-Elect Barbara Lison and others:
When: August 18, 9-10 pm Chicago (CDT) / 10-11pm New York (EDT) / August 19, 4-5 am The Hague (CEST) / 10-11 am Beijing (CST) / 12-1 pm Melbourne (AEST)
Where: (Libraries Enable - Zoom Discussion Room 1) - WLIC registration required.
The session will bring leaders and stakeholders together for robust engagement and creative approaches to adopting, supporting and promoting the IFLA Guidelines to develop LIS education programs, appropriate to a diverse community and relevant to its local contexts in a globalised economy. The IFLA Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group will explore how the IFLA leadership, staff, and units, as well as other appropriate LIS entities, can move the Guidelines forward. Moreover, the deliberations will inform the implementation of the Guidelines, and its alignment with opportunity #10 in IFLA’s Global Vision: We must give young professionals effective opportunities to learn, develop and lead. The Section on Education and Training, the Library Theory and Research Section, and LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG will consider the input and perspectives shared in the Guidelines implementation process.
- Christine Mackenzie (Australia) – Welcome to Solutions Session on “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
- Jaya Raju (South Africa) – Setting the Stage for the “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
- Clara M. Chu (United States) – Global North Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-in
- Diljit Singh (Malaysia) – Global South Stakeholder Perspectives and Buy-In
- Barbara Lison (Germany) – IFLA’s role in the implementation of new “IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes”
Library Perspectives for the World Summit on the Information Society Reporting: Have Your Say!
A new IFLA survey gathers insights on the state of libraries in the digital ecosystem in 2021.
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is a global initiative that brings together stakeholders committed to leveraging ICT for development and bridging the digital divide. It was launched as a UN-sponsored summit in 2003 and 2005, where connecting libraries was identified as one of the WSIS Targets - an important step towards ensuring that everyone can benefit from the internet and ICTs.
A 2014 large-scale WSIS review and stock-taking report outlined the progress made in delivering on this target, and the key roles libraries play in the information society: their contributions to digital inclusion, skills-building, access to knowledge and information, and availability of cultural and local digital content.
Annual WSIS reporting: insights from the library field
Since then, annual reporting helps track the continued implementation of WSIS goals, targets and action lines. As part of this process, key stakeholders from various fields are invited to submit inputs every year. As IFLA has the opportunity to put forward insights from the library field’s perspective, we want to hear from you and to highlight the information society trends and practices which are most relevant for your libraries!
To help gather inputs from the global library field, we have launched a survey where you can share your insights and experiences with:
- The state of library connectivity in your area;
- ICT-based library services that help meet the needs of their constituencies (e.g. digital inclusion, digital skills training, access to cultural, educational or scientific digital materials);
- External trends and developments that shape libraries’ ICT-based services;
- Libraries’ web presence; and more.
Would you like to contribute to this year’s WSIS reporting around libraries? Take part in the survey by 30 September 2021!
Access the IFLA survey through Alchemer. You can also read WSIS report inputs from the global library field perspective from previous years – for example, 2019 and 2018.
Libraries Have Role in G20 Pillars of Action - People, Planet, Prosperity: G20 Culture Ministers Declaration
Ministers from the G20 Nations met in Rome from 29-30 July for the first meeting devoted to Culture in the history of the G20.
The result of this meeting was the unanimous adoption of the “Rome Declaration of the G20 Culture Ministers” [link]. This document builds on momentum from culture-related meetings on the margins of the Saudi G20 Presidency, and reflects the aims of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 74/230 on Culture and sustainable development adopted by the General Assembly in 2019.
This Declaration inserts culture firmly in the G20 process, recognising it for its social and economic value, and stating a commitment to the protection of cultural heritage and expressions at risk.
Founding Principles (and what they mean for libraries)The declaration centres on five guiding principles, all of which align with values of the library field and IFLA’s high-level advocacy work.
Culture and Creative Sectors as Drivers for Regeneration and Sustainable and Balanced GrowthThis principle upholds culture as a foundation for relaunching prosperity, social cohesion and the well-being of people and communities, and especially as a force of resilience and regeneration in COVID-19 recovery and beyond.
It calls for policymakers to consider the needs of the culture sector in recovery efforts in order to fully realise the transformative power of culture for building back better.
For libraries:
This is very much in line with the #culture2030goal Statement on Culture and the Covid-19 Pandemic on which IFLA is signatory [more here].
Delivering on library values such as lifelong learning, promoting digital inclusion, media and information literacy, enabling access to information, and the preservation of and access to cultural heritage are essential for harnessing the power of culture for building back better.
For example, over the course of the 2021 International Year of the Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, we have been exploring how libraries can take action to support cultural and creative actors [more here].
Protection of Cultural HeritageThe Ministers expressed their deep concern over threats to cultural heritage from natural and human-caused disasters, including through purposeful destruction of heritage during armed conflict, illicit trafficking of cultural property, and destruction associated with climate change.
They highlight the importance of common and coordinated research and action to strengthen the safeguarding and promotion of cultural diversity and cultural heritage in all forms – this includes the documentary heritage collections held in the world’s libraries.
For Libraries:
This Declaration recognises the need for strengthening and developing effective, sustainable, inclusive and coordinated management models and tools for protecting cultural heritage at risk. Libraries and documentary cultural heritage experts can play a vital role in developing these models and tools, as well of course as benefitting from them.
For example, note this recent article updating on the Himaya project, and initiative from Qatar National Library, host of the IFLA Preservation and Conservation (PAC) Centre, focussing on combatting trafficking of cultural property in the MENA region.
IFLA’s professional units are further involved with additional initiatives to combat trafficking – see the Fighting the Illicit Trafficking of Documentary Cultural Heritage guide here.
IFLA coordinates with fellow cultural heritage organizations and the international community on safeguarding of cultural heritage through our position on the board of Blue Shield International. See how you can get involved here.
Addressing Climate Change through CultureIn a milestone statement, this declaration acknowledges that all forms of culture offer enormous potential to drive climate action and sustainable development and contribute to finding climate solutions.
The Declaration calls for international bodies to anchor culture within the UNFCCC and other global agreements on climate action and in national policies and plans.
For libraries:
As libraries are protectors of documentary heritage, providers of information, and hubs of communities, they are vital in building resilience and inspiring climate action.
Libraries are spaces to create community and construct new ideas, informed by the resources that libraries offer. They can enhance climate change education, training, public awareness, public participation and public access to information, as called for in Article 12 of the Paris Agreement [for more, see Libraries and the Paris Agreement].
IFLA participates in the Climate Heritage Network to further the role of libraries, and all cultural institutions and actors, in international climate action processes. Further discussion and the development of resources is being carried out in IFLAs Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section.
Building Capacity through Training and EducationThe Declaration underlines the need to enable cultural and creative professionals with training and education opportunities to build new capacities. This includes digital, technological, accessibility-related capacities.
It further recognises the value of connecting scientific, educational and professional systems, to promote synergies between cultural, social, environmental and economic decision-making and policies.
For libraries
The Cultural Ministers recognise the role of libraries, among other cultural actors and institutions, as key to developing these training and education opportunities.
As libraries champion lifelong learning and are at the crossroads of a variety of knowledge and resources, they can be key players in creating these cross-sectoral synergies, which allow multi-disciplinary, and multigenerational, transfer of knowledge.
Digital Transition and New Technologies for CultureEspecially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Declaration recognises the importance of digital access, which includes measures to protect against risks posed by disinformation, misinformation, and fosters the creation and promotion of diverse linguistic and cultural content.
The Declaration further calls for action to overcome the digital divide, which has been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic with the possibility to draw on public access facilities limited. They call for actors like libraries to work to enable access to culture through “digital tools supported by media and information literacy training, with consideration for the intellectual property rights of creators and performers of cultural content”.
For libraries:
IFLA highlighted the role of libraries in the protection and promotion of cultural expressions in the digital environment during the 3rd Civil Society Forum of the 2005 Convention this year.
Through these, IFLA upheld that equitable digital transformation means addressing a lack of digital skills and competencies, a lack of physical access to technology, lack of access to relevant content, a lack of internet access, and a lack of institutions and community spaces which provide these opportunities to their communities - both among creators, and the broader public. Libraries can address all these aspects of digital transformation.
Especially during the pandemic, IFLA has continued to call for balanced copyright laws that enable remote access to resources, and preservation of digital and digitised heritage.
Adequate Laws and Provisions for PreservationIn too many countries, libraries do not benefit from laws that facilitate their activities to preserve and safeguard heritage for the future. More still do not have provisions in copyright that make it clear that digitization can be carried out without needing to seek permissions or make payments.
This represents an unnecessary barrier to a key public interest mission of libraries, alongside archives and museums.
The Declaration therefore includes welcome recognition of the need for transnational cooperation in the field, and the development of policies that make it easier to carry out work to preserve, and allow for access, reuse and education
For libraries:
This is a welcome recognition at the highest level of the importance of progress towards international action on preservation and copyright, in order to ensure not only that libraries globally enjoy at least the same basic legal possibilities, but also that they can cooperate across borders.
IFLA will highlight this message in its engagement at the global level, and encourages Members to do the same in their own advocacy around better copyright laws for our institutions.
What’s NextThe Declaration urges governments to recognise the potential of culture and creativity as an integral part of wider policy agendas on issues such as social cohesion, employment, innovation, health and well-being, the environment, sustainable local development and human rights.
They call for work to promote and protect culture and cultural heritage to be carried out in cooperation with international organisations – a call IFLA wholeheartedly supports.
We hope that culture will continue being an integral part of the G20 workstream in the future, and that libraries around the world will be able to take the messages of the Declaration, and incorporate them into their advocacy.
At IFLA, we will continue advocating for the critical role of libraries in delivering on these founding principles. We are ready to work across our organisation to build the advocacy capacity of our members, and amplify their impact at the international level.
Call for Papers: 17th IFLA Interlending and Document Supply Conference
The IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing (DDRS) Standing Committee is pleased to announce the 17th Interlending and Document Supply (ILDS) Conference, hosted by Qatar National Library in Doha, Qatar from 8 to 10 March 2022.
Under the conference theme, “Sharing To Heal: Resource Sharing Through the Pandemic and Beyond,” the DDRS Standing Committee would like to challenge the interlending and document supply community to consider strategies and solutions that were created during the pandemic and how libraries across the world demonstrated resilience and used new tools and initiatives to share information.
If you have experiences to share, we are accepting proposals in English and Arabic related to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Suggested topics may include but are not limited to:
- ILDS During COVID: Challenges and Initiatives
- ILDS After COVID: ILDS Redesigned
- Staffing
- Open Access and ILL: A Global Solution?
- Copyright
- Digital Access
- Assessment
- Collaboration
- Library Buildings
Key questions we wish to examine in the conference include:
- How the pandemic impacted the DDRS community, what challenges we faced as librarians and researchers, and what solutions we developed.
- How the pandemic changed the face of DDRS and how the service was redesigned through new initiatives, new technologies, global solutions and collaborative projects such as HERMES.
Proposals for papers should be sent to Peter D. Collins (collinsp@oclc.org) no later than 30 September 2021 and should include the following details:
- Author(s) name, title, institution and contact information
- Brief biographical sketch
- Title of paper
- Abstract (200 to 300 words)
For more information, visit the 17th IFLA ILDS Conference website.
دعوة لإرسال مقترحات أوراق بحثية للمشاركة في مؤتمر خدمات الإعارة المتبادلة وتوفير الوثائق
يسر اللجنة الدائمة لمجموعة توفير الوثائق وتبادل المصادر (DDRS) التابعة للاتحاد الدولي لجمعيات ومؤسسات المكتبات (الإفلا) أن تعلن عن المؤتمر السابع عشر لخدمات الإعارة المتبادلة وتوفير الوثائق، والذي تستضيفه مكتبة قطر الوطنية في الدوحة بدولة قطر في الفترة من 8 إلى 10 مارس 2022.
تحت شِعار «نتشارك لنتعافى: تبادل مصادر المعرفة خلال الجائحة وما بعدها»، يسرنا دعوة مُجتمع «الإعارة المتبادلة بين المكتبات وتوفير الوثائق» للمشاركة بالاستراتيجيات والحلول التي أُوجدت خلال الجائحة وكيفَ عملت المكتبات حول العالم على تطوير مرونتها وتطويعها للأدوات والمبادرات لتيسير الوصول إلى المعلومات.
إذا كانت لديك تجربة ترغب في مشاركتها، فنحن نستقبل الآن المقترحات المتعلقة بكيفية تعامل المكتبات مع جائحة كوفيد-19 وما بعدها، باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية. ويُمكن أن تشمل مواضيع الأوراق الآتي، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر:
- الإعارة المتبادلة بين المكتبات وتوفير الوثائق خلال جائحة كوفيد-19: التحديات والمبادرات
- الإعارة المتبادلة بين المكتبات وتوفير الوثائق بعد جائحة كوفيد-19: إعادة تصور الإعارة المتبادلة بين المكتبات وتوفير الوثائق
- التوظيف
- الإتاحة الحُرّة والإعارة المتبادلة بين المكتبات: هل هو الحل العالمي؟
- حقوق النشر والتأليف
- الإتاحة الرقمية
- التقييم
- التعاون
- مباني المكتبات
- كيف أثرت الجائحة على مُجتمع توفير الوثائق وتبادل المصادر، وما التحديات التي واجهت أخصائيي المكتبات والباحثين، وما هي الحلول التي طُوّرت لمواجعة هذه التحديات؟
- كيف غيّرت الجائحة طبيعة خدمة توفير الوثائق وتبادل المصادر، وكيفَ أُعيد تصور وتصميم الخدمة من خلال المبادارات والتقنيات الحديثة والحلول العالمية والمشاريع التعاونية مثل هيرميز HERMES.
تُرسل المقترحات إلى السيد بيتر كولينز collinsp@oclc.org في موعدٍ أقصاه 30 سبتبمر 2021، ويجب أن تتضمن التفاصيل التالية:
- اسم المؤلف ولقبه ومؤسسته ومعلومات التواصل معه
- فقرة تعريفية قصيرة عن المشارك
- عنوان الورقة
- ملخص (200 إلى 300 كلمة)
عنوان الموقع: http://ilds.qnl.qa/index.html?pid=index&lang=ar
Reactivación del Boletín de IFLA LAC 2021 No. 65
En el Año Iberoamericano de las Bibliotecas la Sección de América Latina y el Caribe de IFLA LAC reactiva su Boletín enero -junio.
La Sección de América Latina y el Caribe de IFLA LAC mediante el apoyo activo del equipo Académico y de Información integrado por Carmen Elena Castrillón Vergara, Cecilia Justino Mérida, Jorge Moisés Kroll de Prado, Juan Miguel Palma Peña Luis Pestarini y Sonia Haydée Amaya hacen posible este esfuerzo regional.
Si desea compartir y aportar puede escribir a la siguiente dirección de correo: boletiniflalac@gmail.com
Recupera el Número 65 del Boletín en el siguiente enlace:
#BibliotecasQueCreanFuturos #BibliotecasInclusivas #BibliotecasInnovadoras #BibliotecasResilientes #WeAreIFLA #IFLALAC #BoletínIFLALAC #65
IFLA Regional Division Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs: Election results released
Following elections among incoming members of IFLA’s new Regional Division Committees, the identities of the people who will lead their work over the coming two years is now known.
These Committees – a key innovation in IFLA’s governance review – have a mandate not only to strengthen the voice of regions within IFLA, but also to make the voice of libraries louder within decision-making around the world.
Responding to regional priorities, they will work to develop and deliver action plans that strengthen capacity and add value for IFLA’s Members and the wider library field, around the world.
We are therefore happy to announce that the following candidates have been successful:
Asia Oceania
Chair: Winston Roberts (New Zealand)
Vice-Chair: Debal Kar (India)
Chair: Stuart Hamilton (Ireland)
Vice-Chair: Frédéric Blin (France)
Latin America and the Caribbean
Chair: Alejandro Santa (Argentina)
Vice-Chair: Georgina Torres (Mexico)
Middle East and North Africa
Chair: Imad Bachir (Lebanon)
Vice-Chair: Abeer Al-Kuwari (Qatar)
North America
Chair: Julius Jefferson (United States)
Vice-Chair: Christina de Castell (Canada)
Sub-Saharan Africa
Chair: Sarah Kaddu (Uganda)
Vice-Chair: Ayanda Lebele (Botswana)
I congratulate all of the successful candidates, and thank all those who stood for election for their commitment to IFLA.
Kind regards,
Gerald Leitner
Secretary General
The Hague, Netherlands
4 August 2021
Discover the full lists of members of IFLA's Regional Division Committees 2021-2023.
Get involved with IFLA WLIC 2021: Set the agenda
If innovation drives the future, what drives innovation is the crossing of ideas and perspectives.
This year’s World Library and Information Congress, by bringing together expertise, insights and energy from around the world, provides a unique catalyst for the innovations that will shape the future of our field. In this newsletter, find out more about the exciting opportunities to set the agenda at WLIC 2021.
In our latest newsletter, read about our President-elect’s session, where we will work together to define priorities among with trends for the future identified by the people who will lead it – the new professionals of today.
Find out more about one of our keynote speakers, Professor Karima Bennoune, UN Special Rapporteur on Cultural Rights, who will look at the evolution of these rights over time, and how libraries can ensure that everyone benefits.
And be inspired by the insights from reading champions around the world on books that have changed lives.
So don’t hesitate – get your tickets, check out our programme, and start planning for the most exciting, inclusive event on the international library calendar!
Read on in the WLIC Newsletter, Issue 6, 4 August 2021.
Kind regards,
Gerald Leitner
Secretary General
The Hague, Netherlands
4 August 2021
Recognising libraries as SDG implementation partners in 2021, Part 3: experiences in engaging in the Voluntary National Review process
In the third and final story in our series focusing on reviews of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2021, we hear from libraries in four countries about their experience of engaging in this process.
The presence of references to libraries in Voluntary National and Voluntary Local Reviews provides a welcome affirmation of the role of our institutions as partners for development.
As highlighted in the two previous stories in this series, focusing on the national and local levels respectively, we are seeing a growing share of official reports do just this. Moreover, they highlight clearly the range of ways in which libraries contribute.
However, almost equally important is the possibility that Voluntary National Reviews in particular play in providing an opportunity to engage with new parts of government and other potential partners.
Through this, there can be the possibility to build new contacts and alliances that strengthen library advocacy into the longer term.
To find out more about this, we asked libraries in Denmark, Norway, Zimbabwe and Iraq about their experiences.
Not every VNR is alikeFirst of all, it is clear that each country will tend to make its own choices about how to run its Voluntary National Reviews. As highlighted in IFLA’s guide, the United Nations does produce a handbook setting out best practice, but countries remain free to decide how far to implement this.
As such, it will not always be the same type of ministry in charge. In Denmark, the Finance Ministry was responsible, while in Zimbabwe the Ministry of Social Welfare was in charge. Meanwhile, in Iraq, the Ministry of planning led the process.
Interestingly, in Norway, engagement with civil society organisations (such as libraries) took place through an NGO platform which coordinated all inputs.
Furthermore, a different process may be followed in each case. In Denmark, the ministry simply made a call to all organisations around the SDGs, while in Norway, the coordinating NGO platform reached out directly to specific organisations.
Similarly in Zimbabwe, there was no public call, and in fact libraries needed to approach the ministry proactively, building on contracts made previously at the 2020 African Regional Forum for Sustainable Development.
In Iraq too, it was possible to access the process because of previous meetings between libraries and the ministry in order to talk more broadly about the SDGs.
Finally, the type of contribution expected also varied from country to country. In Denmark, Zimbabwe and Iraq, libraries submitted full papers, highlighting examples of how libraries are contributing to achieving the SDGs. In Norway, however, a much shorter summary paper was requested.
A chance to expand networksAt least in some cases, engaging in VNRs did open up new contacts within government. For example, in Denmark, the coordinating ministry is not a regular partner of libraries, but is one that could usefully be contacted in future.
In Zimbabwe also, the coordinating ministry was a new contact for the library association. Thanks to this engagement, the association has been able to create new synergies and receive key new information.
Meanwhile, in Iraq, given that links already existed, the preparation of the VNR served rather to consolidate this relationship.
Looking beyond government contacts, work around VNRs appears to be paying off in Zimbabwe, where other NGOs are starting to understand the potential of libraries.
VNRs have also helped mobilise wider networks of libraries. In Denmark, the DB 2030 Network brings together institutions committed to working towards the SDGs, while in Iraq, the VNR helped bring together a number of university libraires.
Early signs of impactThe work of libraries in each country to engage around Voluntary National Reviews, and the wider SDGs, does seem to be paying off.
The most obvious indicator is the inclusion of references to libraries in Reports. For example Zimbabwe’s report celebrated the work of the association around open data, while Norway’s cited libraries’ contribution to inclusion.
In Denmark in particular, the government even announced a new initiative, through its VNR, to strength libraries’ work to disseminate information about the SDGs, and run a Global Goals certification programme.
There is also evidence of closer links with governments, with officials in Zimbabwe and Iraq alike underlining how much they welcome library engagement, and looking forward to further cooperation.
Lessons for the futureClearly, the diversity in the processes implemented by governments means that libraries in each country will need to do the detective work necessary to find how best to engage.
Sometimes this will be a case of making sure that you are checking the right websites or are on the right mailing lists. Other times, it will be a case of ensuring that you are well known in general in the NGO community.
Nonetheless, making the effort to identify and get to know the team responsible in general for implementing the SDGs clearly helps in general, not least in ensuring that even if there isn’t a public call for contributions, you will not be trying to engage as strangers.
A second lesson is around the value of having evidence and case studies already prepared in order to submit. This work isn’t just helpful at the time of a Voluntary National Review, but can also support your advocacy at other moments.
Finally, as seen in Iraq and Zimbabwe in particular, working around the SDGs – and in particular VNRs – can be a great way to expand networks, ensuring that a wider range of ministries know about the work of libraries, and so – ideally – can be ready to support our institutions when decisions are made.
With six countries already having expressed an interest in carrying out a VNR in 2022 (Djibouti, Eritrea, Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka and Tuvalu) – and likely around forty in the end again undertaking one – these are helpful experiences for libraries in each to bear in mind.
We are grateful to colleagues from the Danish Library Association, the Norwegian Library Association, the Zimbabwe Library Association and the Al-Abbas Holy Shrine Library and Manuscripts in Iraq for their support in writing this article.
Read IFLA's guide to Voluntary National Reviews.